
Spindrift - The Present

As of March 2018 we have been living over on the coast for 3 years. They have flown past.

I thought I would miss the farm. I thought I wouldn't be able to fill the days, I thought I would get a part time job.

Oh how wrong I was!

Amazingly neither Lloyd or I mss the farm. This shocked me. I loved it so much, how can I not miss it. I don't know, but life moves on, I guess.

Fill the days? They disappear. How ? No idea! The garden is a fraction of the size I'm used to, but I potter around with my 2 small raised beds.  I sew a lot. I still bake a lot. I go to pilates 3 times a week. I have just retired from playing roller derby after 5 years, but still plan to go to training and help around the place.
The days just fill up!

Part time job...never happened!

We've finished everything big that we want to do here. The garden finally had a lot of work done last year and we've now got it looking nice.

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Laura x