
Monday, July 27, 2009

I've been searching for an old Queen Anne suite for a few months now and finally managed to find one on TradeMe ( NZ ebay) down in Auckland. ( Ness had given me a deadline of when they get home - they're home in 2 weeks!)
After bartering with the owner (which was fun!) we decided a price and arranged to have it shipped up here. The guy we bought it from was so amazingly helpful and lovely.

Anyway it arrived and I could barely wait to get started on it, but had to wait for Lloyd as I needed his strength to move the old one out. We actually bought this suite and an extra sofa from someone else as we didn't know what would work in our living room - its a rectangular box, but TINY. So we experimented with the layout for a day then I was allowed to paint it.

I'm really pleased with it. It's very grown up and makes the room look so completely different, but we love it!

this is what it all looked like before

and during - note all the plastic covering the fabric, and Brodie 'helping'

and after


  1. Anonymous10:37 pm

    I love it!!!!!!!!! it is really pretty

  2. You did a great job!

    Lea White


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Laura x