
Friday, August 28, 2009

Totally Exhausted!
Got up this morning and the sun is shining and the sky is blue, so I thought better make the most of it.
We have a pretty nice bed at the back of the house, it's got a beautiful little Kowhai, a couple of hebes, some lavender and other bits and bobs, but you could see none of them ( except the beautiful kowhai flowers) as this mad jasmine thing had covered them all. It was one of these mammoth jobs you know you have to do every time you look at it but it's so daunting you keep putting it off.
Well today was the day. It took me 2 hours of real back breaking work hacking, pruning and shearing. End result a rather attractive purple face and a cleared area. Now all I need to do is pick up all the branches. ( still got the stump to remove but it seems to have so many roots I couldn't even get the fork into the earth - any suggestions ?)

The bed looks brilliant now! In fact there's so much space I've got room to plant a couple of things - I was thinking one of those hibiscus ( not the ones with the huge flowers) but one that grows quite tall. We have one already and it's lovely.
(this is one of those times you realise too late you haven't taken any 'before' photos. And you can't tell how much it is from these either - honest!)

Then I mowed the grass. It's growing by the second at the moment, very thick and lush. I also did the garden down at The Acorn, it's not too much work but needs done.

On the seed front - at last some things have germinated.
The broad beans and peas

a cherry tomato
and 2 cucumbers!

Still no joy with anything else though

I also got a pic of our magnolia

A couple of years ago this was overcome with potato weed, convolvulus and all sorts! I got it all off and now we let the cows in there - that's why it has no flowers at the bottom!

We're going out for dinner tonight and for once I feel like I deserve it!

Later this afternoon......
All the hard work was worth it...LOOK! These Tuis found the kowhai!
Not the best shots in the world as I was hanging out the bedroom window trying not to disturb them! ( click on them to see bigger photographs)


  1. Oh wow, I love tuis and it's been suuch a long time since I've seen one, my childhood on the Kapiti Coast was the last place, probably. And those are great photos!

  2. I can't tell you how excited I was! I love them too and we rarely see them in our garden, only when the flax is out. We have all manner of other birds but these are my faves!


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Laura x