
Monday, September 07, 2009

A lovely couple of days
We've been lucky enough to be basking in the most glorious spring weather. We headed down to Crayfish Cottage for an impromptu lunch yesterday. It was just the 4 of us so we nipped in to the the Gourmet Grocer to pick up some cheeses, panchetta and a french stick, then drove over to Richard and Ness. They've been redoing the inside of the cottage to make it more practical to use. Please note the lovely curtain below the work bench...I made that!

yummy lunch

Today the sun is still beaming down ( as could be seen from Lloyd's glowing face!) We've spent the day working like, well, hard working things!
We started off by feeding the veggie beds with donkey poo fertilizer and putting a lot of dolomite on them. We have amazing volcanic soil, but the good things leech out of it as it is so well draining.
We worked all morning then stopped for a bacon sandwich, we fed the rind and the fat
( after it was hard) the the chooks - and they went mad for it!!

then needed a big drink to clean their faces.
There's a tiny bit of blossom out on the peach tree on the right and on the left the elderflower is just about to burst into leaf!

After that we decided the time was right for a bit of chainsawing. We've had three pongas right outside our kitchen window since we moved in. They've grown and grown and even though Lloyd machetes branches off they still block a lot of light and our view. We've been loathe to cut them down as they are beautiful, but just in the wrong place. They also fill our gutters with fluff and dead branches, not good if rainwater is all you have as your water supply!

So we decided they had to go.
(note the washing - brilliant drying day!)

We took this and dug a hole and stuck it in - who knows!
We also took the trunks and laid them flat down beside the wall on the drive and one down at The Acorn. We've seen them laid like this before and they start to grow from the sides, so fingers crossed.

And the best part
let there be light!


  1. Man + chainsaw = silly grin

    Just like mine!

  2. even worse for us as it's new! Still got some safety gear to get though.


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Laura x