
Monday, September 28, 2009

(blatant advertising)

Some very exciting news for us!

This has happened with a speed that you wouldn't believe, but due to various circumstances
(some amazing and some rather unpleasant!) we are now the proud joint owners of, what will be, in 2 weeks, a new dental practice in Kiataia!
We've gone into partnership with R&V and it's incredibly exciting. It is also, at the moment, incredibly exhausting! The building is excellent and in the best location, but it needs a lot of cosmetic work, like a LOT! and as we're opening in 2 weeks we have to work so so hard! We spent this weekend up there staying in a wee cabin at the holiday park in Ahipara and we just worked and worked. I've been mostly painting.
I have to say that I am gobsmacked by the amount of work that we got through, it's just amazing.

I shall post some before and afters once we have the 'afters' so that there's an immediate comparison.

We did have time for a quick break on 90 mile beach and take a few pics!
this one makes me laugh! Lloyd had just put some stuff into the jeep and the dogs obviously thought "You're going nowhere without us!"

Anyway it's all go! And this is what it looks like
what did we do before we had phones and computers?


  1. Wow, how exciting! Who is the dentist? I wish you all the best and how it's a great success.

  2. How exciting! Be sure and post the Pic's. I love the last photo, thoses babies are ready to go!

  3. Good luck with it all! What an undertaking!

  4. Wow,exciting & Good Luck too!Adore that top photo..:)

  5. Thank you everyone, Rhonda this is why I've been a bit thin on the ground as I'm doing this and also leaving in 2 weeks to go to Scotland! Normal service will be resumed, I promise! My husband is a dentist and so is his friend Richard, they both work the same way, minimal intervention, no amalgam etc. and Richard's wife Ness is my best friend here so it's all amazing.
    Bella thank you *bush* and when you're up at new year if you fancy a wee day trip to 90 mile beach we can show you it all!
    And finally, yes! Luckily they were coming anyway!

  6. thanks Denny! That top photo was me prancing around on the beach at 8am drawing with a stick!

  7. Oh cool! I was actually wondering what you did for a living besides your home farm life. With my hubby's work we are limited to living close to the city and this is why it would take us so much longer to get our LSB because so much more expensive.

    This is really exciting though that you have this new opportunity!

  8. Lea you mean you can't make a living out of a teeny farm?! heehee
    Actually I'm finding it all very draining just now, I can't wait to actually start working properly!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x