
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Wee Pixie Peep
(aka Princess Pixie Fae the Drum)
passed away yesterday afternoon.
She was only tiny, but the house feels very different without her.
We feel very very sad, when really we should be feeling happy for the lovely long life she had, but that's not really the way it works, is it?

Rest in peace my lovely girl xxx


  1. Anonymous11:05 am

    Hi there L&L,
    We were very sad to read about Pixicat. Jo is sitting here with tears in her eyes and we will tell Katie and Jamie in the morning.

  2. Anonymous11:06 am


    That's so sad. She was such a lovely wee thing. You couldn't have given her a better life. She started off on her own in a flat in Drumchapel and moved on to have the freedom to roam all over a farm in New Zealand with lots of other friends. It's difficult to image that cat heaven could be much better than your place!

    Lots of love and a big hug

    Joff, Hilary and Max

  3. Anonymous11:06 am

    Hi Lo,

    So sorry to hear about lovely Pixie. You must be devastated even though she had an amazing life in Glasgow and New Zealand. What a well travelled cat!

    Hope you have lots of great photos and memories.
    Lots of love


  4. Anonymous11:07 am

    dearest Laura,

    We are both so sorry to read about your little Pixie,especially as I'd only just read your blog from yesterday, and had hoped for the best; but-she was a good age and had lived a life of being cared for

  5. So terribly sad for your loss. Lots of hugs. May she roam freely and peacefully at the rainbow bridge.

  6. Hi Laura, I lurk around your blog usually but had to say I'm so sorry about your wee cat. She sounds very well loved and will obviously be well remembered.

  7. thank you ms Lottie, that was so kind of you xx

  8. Anonymous12:05 pm

    I've had many little friends(I rescue) and it doesn't which or when but it's always difficult to lose one. All the best to you and yours, Kristina

  9. This is really sad. Lots of thoughts, prayers and hugs. I'm sure she will be very much missed, but never forgotten!


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Laura x