
Friday, October 09, 2009

Absolutely everything..
Is revolving round the opening of the new Dental Practice, so I haven't had time to do anything else!
However today I did paint and recover our chair for the reception desk!And here's all the marmalade that Ness made and I did the label for ( each one was hand cut ~ blergh!) These are just wee gifts to give to people.

We are so nearly there with it all. The whole building has been painted to within an inch of it's life. I never want to see a paintbrush again. We're now on to the more fun stuff, like getting it furnished, making the cushions and lovely shell mobiles to hang from the window - all the absolute essentials for doing teeth!
The guys are pulling their hair out ordering every teeny tiny thing a dentist needs to do his job. Now I know why dentists are expensive - the equipment is extortionate.

I still have a lot of veggies to plant out so must get onto them on Sunday. So much to do!

I leave on Wednesday for Scotland and haven't even begun to think about getting ready for the trip. The best thing is I'll be so exhausted by the time I get on the plane I won't have time to feel scared - I may just go into a coma instead!


  1. Anonymous7:00 pm

    Wow, the chair is simply beautiful - you are so creative!

    Lea White

  2. You've worked so hard lady that you deserve that holiday! Mind you if out trip back to the UK is anything to go by you'll need to get home for a rest! Marmalade looks great, I need to get onto making some.

  3. the marmalade is lovely!
    We've had a total day off today and much that it's been bliss I got bored so went out and planted the rest of my veggies!!

    thanks Lea - honest its so easy - you just find an old dining chair in a junk shop. paint it any old colour and recover the cushion bit - just need a staple gun and bobs your uncle!

  4. Anonymous11:37 pm

    Oh boy...I get tired reading about all this :)(probably coz it took us 36 hrs door to door recently coming home from Montreal to Perth, WA)

    Have a marvellous trip and I look forward to hearing more from your wee farm when you return.

    Love from Sue
    (coffeee @DTE)

  5. You've been very busy there. Hope you have a lovely trip back to Scotland.

  6. Hello, when I found your blog page I was totally amazed by the picture of your house. Your house is the vision of what ours should be...very similar homes but ours has been so neglected and badly treated that we have loads of work to do to undo all the mistakes, like remove the vinyl cladding and the badly constructed veranda. It gave us real boost to see your photo, the finished product so to speak, and incentive to keep on with the renovations. Its going to take a while but will be well worth it.
    thank you.


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Laura x