
Thursday, October 01, 2009

(Aoife and Ruairidh are on the far left)

They've Arrived!
And how cute are they? Very.

Our 2 were desperate to get in with the other wee ones and were running around all over the place looking at them through the fence.
When we let them in they all ran to meet eachother! It was very sweet.

The bigger ones are in a field of their own too.

this is the big truck!

this is SGJB ( spring grass jobbie bot!) These are the big ones.

running to meet eachother!


  1. What a welcoming committee! Glad it worked out alright

  2. Our two came from the same fold, so they're related and I swear they could tell! It was lovely.

  3. I'm coming to live at your house. I love Coo's. My husband is from Kilmarnock and every time we go to the Burrell Museum or Pollock house, I get out of the car and walk up the drive just so I can get up close to the Coo's. Did you ever go to Callender & meet Hamish the Coo? He was/is a big lad and loves people.


  4. I've always loved Coo's since I was little & our house has loads of pictures & ornaments etc of them.When our lawnmower packed up, I tried to convince my husband that A coo would be an ideal replacement as we would get milk from the coo, manure for the veg garden and it would keep the grass down. You don't get any of that from a lawn mower!!!
    He wasn't too keen as he thought I would give the Coo more attention than him. LOL


  5. Ooh, look at them all! They are great looking coos - my boy was given a toy one as a gift - what are you farming them for, meat, milk, good buddies? :)

  6. Kim, you would adore these ones, they're very gentle and tame! I've been to Callender a few times but didn't know about Hamish.

    Cat, these ones aren't ours :( they belong to the couple who we got ours from who are resewing some pf their paddocks so are just here for a 2 month holiday ( for the big ones it's their last holiday, if you get what I mean!) Once they go we are buying some weaners, but not highlands, we're going to grow them for meat and the highlands are like big cuddly teddies and I just couldn't send them off...our 2 are pets! Im going to search for the least cuddly cows I can find!

  7. holy cow how udderly fabulous he he ... will they still be there when we are up?? - i too gravitate to the bodie and pixie pic - two classic gals having a good old goss ; )

  8. Love your coos, gorgeous house, love your blog, beautiful photos too. You have made me feel quite homesick. We have been thinking about where to go when the kids leave school - forgot about how nice Northland is.

  9. Bella, sadly they will have gone home by then I wish we could keep them as they are totally scrummy!
    There's a wee teeny black one called Briar and it's the cutest thing ever.


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Laura x