
Friday, January 08, 2010

I feel like a green grocer!
The veggies are doing really well. The Scarlet Runners are producing beans beyond my wildest expectations! They are absolutely laden!
The barlotti beans have grown incredibly quickly and already have beans - and I only planted them a few weeks ago.
Pam pams have gone mad and I have to feed some to the chooks just to keep the plant from going crazy.
Finally we have some ready tomatoes  - soon I know we'll have an absolute glut of them but for now it's lovely to be able to pick some.
So far I've got a cherry - moneymaker ready and some tommy toe which are both heritage ones. I've also got some mortgage lifters which are a huge beef tomato and J Walsh which are a yellow egg shaped one. These ones aren't turning yet.

Cherry and Tommy Toe


And I am very pleased with our first ever melon!!

basil - the best herb ever!

and these are edamame beans I love these. Lloyd managed to find a man in NZ who is allowed to sell them so I'm very interested to see how they do. They're growing beautifully but so far there are no pods appearing.

These are cleomes - they are supposed to attract shield beetles away from your veg so I planted a lot round the veggies - I haven't actually seen a shield beetle this year! So maybe they are shielding them really really well!


  1. Hi there, followed over from greenfumb's blog, love your farm & the garden looks great! I have matching photos of our yellow button squash, isn't it amazing to look in there and find all the lovely yellow button squash peeking out... though it can be a bit scratchy getting them out!

    Off to check out more of your blog!

  2. Wendy5:10 pm

    Gorgeous garden - a credit to you both. Pick those yellow squash early won't you - they grow so fast so quickly!

  3. Oh, what a great garden. Congrats!!!

  4. Mmmmm, jealous (ha, ha my word verification is jeleces!) of all those beautiful delights! Must be nice having irrigation - but the weather forecast says maybe rain tomorrow. Do we believe it?

  5. nah! Not really! It's said it before and we got nothing. We are lucky having water though, there's a lot of watering can watering going on - about an hour every night!

    thanks peeps!! xx

  6. Tracey4:05 am

    Beautiful veggies. Look scrummy. Don't know where you get the time.Lol. Our garden covered in snow at mo.
    Love this blog!

  7. Thanks Tracey!
    hey Ms Lottie - WE GOT RAIN!!!! it's stopped now, but we had a right downpour for about 2 hours! Did you get it?


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Laura x