
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pipis and a starfish
Very hot today and the dogs hadn't been to the beach for a wee while so we took our lovely helpxers ~ Laurel and Tom  for a couple of hours to the 'dog' beach.
We knew it was low tide ~ perfect time to collect pipis ~ so we were armed with our pipi bucket. Who can say no to free dinner?
pipi hunting

our spoils 

the beach we were on ~ taken from the boat the following day

We managed to collect enough to eat and no more. The dogs had a good hour swimming for sticks and playing around.
All in all it was a few hours well spent.


on the way home....happy dog, nose out the window!



  1. What fun & what great photos.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  2. What a nice day for you all!
    The dogs certainly look like they had fun and you all had a well earned day off. Don't you just love that wet dog smell in the car afterward??

  3. Super hot day today! Glad to hear you got your laptop back, yay for the police. A batch of cupcakes for the station?

  4. Ooh I miss pipis, yum! I missed a few posts too....glad they found your 'puter and LOVE the shoes.

  5. :) Kim

    Wendy, we had wet dog and wet dog vomit to contend with! Far too much salt water consumed, methinks!

    Cat, I LOVE my shoes too :)

    Ms lottie, that is a brilliant idea and one I shall definitely do.

  6. I don't know what pipis are but it sounds like fun. My daughter's dogs are the same and love to play in the water. They get themselves into some right pickles trying to carry the same stick! Yours are very organised :-)
    Teresa x

  7. Anonymous11:49 am

    The dogs look so happy!!

  8. Like minds! I took our dogs to the local lake this afternoon! Your dogs look more than happy to be there :-) Sounds like you had a wonderful day. What is a pipi?!


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Laura x