
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The deck was finished last Friday. Matt and Elliot did a fantastic job. We are so pleased with it. It looks huge. Lloyd calls it 'The Ballroom' 
We took the blow up bed out a couple of nights ago and lay there in the dark ( well it was a full moon so it was actually quite light) and watched shooting stars for about an hour. It was lovely.
Today the river stones arrived - these are to landscape round the spa. There are also 2 ponytail palms to go in these beds as well. Our huge palms are being delivered next Tuesday and they are also planting them. While the digger is here we're going to get 4 other palms we have, hidden away in the bananas, moved to round the deck. After that we'll know exactly how much we need to level off/up and re-grass. We're in a bit of a quandary over this as we have no idea how to keep the dogs off it if we re seed, so we're thinking about buying turf if it's not too large an area. We'll cross that bridge in a week or so. I'll also try to get some better photos.
 As I'm typing this I can hear the rain outside, it is absolutely torrential - the heaviest rain we've had since October! I can almost hear the trees and the garden sigh with relief. It's a rather lovely sound actually.


  1. Looking good! It certainly is a huge deck area. Will make outside living fun for you.
    We are having absolutely torrential rain here too - has been bucketing down for the last 4 days. Lots of local flooding.... but the novelty hasn't worn off yet!

  2. Anonymous6:41 pm

    The deck is huge - I love it.

  3. Oh, the rain was lovely wasn't it? The deck is looking very grand!


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Laura x