
Monday, April 19, 2010

I'll show you  mine of you show me yours!

Fridge and Larder, that is!
Our fridge has the usual ~ milk, butter, bread and cheese. Just now it also has some lovely smoked marlin pate. Friends of ours gave us some smoked marlin that they'd caught and Lloyd makes the best pate with it.
Quite a lot of coffee! Some cucumbers my friend gave us last night - yummy! Then there's just the stuff that you have in your fridge!

Now the larder!
Well Lloyd loves cooking so there are a lot of herbs and spices and things from an Asian supermarket down in Auckland. On the middle shelf is all my baking stuff and Lloyd's stash of chocolate.
So come on! Let's have a nosey at eachothers :)


  1. Good morning Laura,
    I've posted my pics to join your pantry/larder pictures.

    Hope this is ok.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. Anonymous12:45 pm

    A pink fridge? You are now officially, the coolest person I know.

  3. oh I love my pink fridge~! Poor old L - he's surrounded by secret pinkness!

  4. You so crack me up!
    I cleaned out my fridge yesterday and was so proud of the job, I was thinking EXACTLY this, should I put a picture on my BLOG!!!!!!!!!
    NOW IM GUNNA.........X
    Have a great day...

  5. brilliant! I told Maa that the only reason I posted it is because L cleaned out the larder yesterday!It would look like a bomb other wise!
    You know I sometimes look at your blog and think how similar our lives are in some ways!

  6. Yum.. any chance of a recipe for the marlin pate????

  7. OK have posted some pics on my blog
    for all to view, and now I'm hungry so off to make dinner!!

  8. Love your pink fridge! I suppose you have to keep things like bread in the fridge because of the hotter weather. There's not much in my fridge so I won't bore you with it. Only stuff like milk, cheese, yogurt and butter and a few jars of jam etc.

  9. Your fridge & cupboards are such a treat to look at, ours on the other hand are far too shameful to show as they are such a mess!! Lots of love and kisses to you all

  10. LOUVVVE that cute pink Frig..Just love it..
    Hahnsmum, New England,
    NSW, OZ


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Laura x