
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Life and Leisure
some piccies


Go on! Buy it! It's a lovely issue ( not cos we're in it! It really is!)



  1. I've been looking for it since you said ages ago! lol! Might have to make a trip out to get it today! How exciting! I know someone in a magazine that ain't writing about cows lol! Congrats, it looks great!♥

  2. thanks Sue. It was worth all the stress! but there is a mention of cows!!!

  3. Can you send us a copy? Don't think we can get this in the UK can we? You look beautiful, and Lloyd looks as lovely as always too, wish I could give you both a big hug. Mag looks fabby, as does your house, matches the owners. Joanna xxx

  4. Anonymous10:14 am

    I will be going on a search to see if I can find it in Canada.
    If you don't mind my saying so - you look gorgeous!!!

  5. How exciting. I'm going in to town,so I'll be popping into the newsagent to order one. It's only a country town and I doubt that they'll have one there.
    Can I ask what the issue number is please?

  6. It's issue 31,but please don't go to any bother!
    Mel! *blush* thank you, I'm not comfortable getting my photo taken ( let's say the photographer got the angle right!) I'd rather be taking the pics!
    Joanna, I think lloyds mum and dad got it in yorkshire!!! If not let me know.

  7. he he he just reading it now, i kid you not!!! way to go you two - so proud of you!!! the house looks stunning, the grounds look fab, you both look great.... the dog's exude their characters and hey even the dog's beds look fine!!

  8. ha~ the flipping dogs beds! ARGH

  9. Wendy1:17 pm

    Laura this is just lovely! I'm just thrilled to *know* someone in a mag. You both (should say all on account of the dogs) look so lovely and the cottage fantastic. Worth all your hard work.
    By squinting a little I can read most of the article and your lead up to buying and moving is covered well also. I must dash off and watch Taggart now .. lol!

    PS: mouli has arrived and seems fine.

  10. Aww wow hun the pics look fab! Will get one after work tonight as Andy will want to see it too! Georgina xxxx

  11. Wow, how fun. Where do I buy it. I live in Southern California!


    ps ~ just added you to my blog list!

  12. Fabulous! I'll look out for it.

  13. Dianabella10:25 pm

    I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's amazing!!!!!

  14. thank you Janet, I adore your blog, just found it recently. I honestly have o idea where you could get it outside NZ. :(
    thanks everyone!

  15. How wonderful to have your home featured in a mag. It looks idylic too!
    Teresa x

  16. Carol6:31 am

    Hi Laura--It is always a treat to have updates---I have just passed a lovely hour reading your blog---such a wonderful life. I tried to find the article about you and the house,but have had no luck----which issue is it in and what is the title---I looked in 30&31. I did see Bob which was special.
    Lots of Love to You All---Carol

  17. Haha Laura, I meant it was nice to read a mag that wasn't about farming lol! Enjoyed reading it last night in bed, such nice images to go to sleep with!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x