
Thursday, October 27, 2011


It really is one of my favourite times of year! I've just been mooching around the garden taking photos and the main thing that struck me is the smell. ( ok not too fabby for hayfever sufferers ~ my nose is permanently blocked right now!) But apart from that!

The balustrade round the house is covered in wisteria. It looks beautiful and smells gorgeous. This was a gift from our lovely neighbour for all the eggs I gave her. I'd mentioned how pretty the white wisteria was round their stunning house and next thing I knew there was a very pretty wisteria plant on our deck. She said I'd be cursing her in a couple of years as it would go haywire - but I'm not. With some pruning ~ little and often ~ it's no bother at all.

  The first of my roses are blooming. I was going to get some darker, dusky pink ones this year, but I totally forgot and now's not the right time to plant them, so I'll have to try harder to remember next year. Doh.
This is my favourite, it's either True Love or Aotearoa I can't remember which.
We have a pom pom/snowball bush that we planted last year and it's pom poming all over the place. It's so cute.

I feel I've been terribly lax with the blog recently. First excuse was that the mums were here and we were just too busy and now the excuse is the weather has suddenly got amazing and there's so much to do in the garden. Then with the good weather comes all the other lovely things to do, like boating and diving, dinner at friends houses, barbeques, outings to the beach. I have no idea how we're going to fit everything in this summer.

However, the most pressing thing on the 'to do' list right now is fencing. Our grass is going haywire so it's almost time to buy some new baby moos. But before we do this there's a fair amount of chainsawing to be done.  Fallen trees make short work of breaking fences. So after the chainsawing there's the fixing of the fences that said trees fell on top of and squished. I suppose we need to make a start on that this weekend.


  1. Love the wisteria. Apparently our house used to be smothered in it! Somebody dealt to it but we still get in peaking through in the gardens and at the front of the house now and then.

    Hope this weather keeps up - I love Spring :)

  2. Looks so lovely! Wish it would heat up here a bit now!

  3. Thanks for sharing your garden it is beautiful.

  4. Beautiful blossoms! Spring is a gorgeoug time of year.

  5. Beautiful blossoms! Spring is a gorgeoug time of year.

  6. That rose is so pretty, I bey it smells great also.

  7. What gorgeousness. I lust after some wisteria. Maybe next year. And I hear you with the fencing and all the work. Just a few more hours in the day...

  8. It all looks so beautiful and fresh....I really am green with envy....the only bright green round here, we are all the sludgy colours of autumn on the farm at the moment.

    Sue xx

  9. Your wisteria is beautiful as is your rose. The seating on your porch looks like a lovely place to sit and enjoy your views. Our nice weather is just starting too and we are so enjoying being outdoors. We can get so much more done now that it's not so hot and humid.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady


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Laura x