
Saturday, October 08, 2011

Lloyd's Birthday Party.

It was Lloyd's party last night and I have to say it was absolutely brilliant. It was fancy dress and if people wanted to they could come as cowboys. indians and superheroes! We cleared the furniture in the woolshed so that there was a large dance area and put the sofas over to the side and made a sort of chill out area.
We were so, so lucky because the weather has been absolutely horrible, but when we got up in the morning the sky was actually blue and the sun was shining!

We blew up balloons and hung them from the blossom trees.
Nick came round in the morning and helped to get things organised. ( he's so lovely!) 
It took us all day. People could arrive from 5pm onwards and at 2 minutes to 5 we were still in the woolshed, not even in our fancy dress costumes.

So we zoomed to the house and got ready. 
Lloyd went as Superman and I went as a Pocahontas sort of thing.
Cheesiest grins ever!

There were a lot of cowboys and some very glamorous cowgirls!
Dione, Richard Poppy, Milli and Ness.

Lloyd and Judy Superman and Wonderwoman.

Everyone went to so much bother with their costumes it was amazing.
As the night wore on there was an awful lot of dancing. Lloyd had even got a disco ball ( so cool!) It was such a brilliant night.

Who says cowboys and indians don't get on??

We got to bed about 2.30am - unheard of for us - I usually go to bed about 9.30. Amazingly, in the morning,  our heads were still intact and so were those of our friends who had stayed over. I have no idea how we all managed this.
Everyone said what a great time they'd had and I was just so happy for Lloyd. He's having a lovely birthday and it's great to have the mums here to help celebrate it!


  1. Looks like you all had so much fun, what a great night.

  2. Wow brilliant, Happy Birthday Lloyd

    Sue xx

  3. It looks like a fun time. I think your wood shed is pretty cool.

  4. It definitely looks like a fun party. Happy Birthday to Lloyd.

    You made a lovely Pocahontas and I'm sure Superman was feeling pretty super.


  5. Anonymous3:59 am

    You sure know how to throw a party!! The costumes are fabulous!!
    Happy Birthday, Lloyd!!

  6. looks like tons of fun!!!! happy birthday!! :)

  7. Happy birthday! Looks like a great party!

  8. Happy Birthday Lloyd! Looks like you had a wonderful time. And the woolshed looks amazing, what a wonderful space.

  9. Great photos and neat costumes. Sounds like you had a great time!

  10. That looks like an unbeatable time. Oh, what fun friends you have there! And of course, a happy birthday with to Lloyd from me!

  11. Many thanks for all the kind birthday wishes! We had a brilliant and memorable night! Lloyd x


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Laura x