
Sunday, November 06, 2011

Who doesn't love wee baby chicks!

Mavis and King Bertie have done themselves proud. Eight eggs hatched! I am delighted. Firstly because I had no idea if they were fertile or not and secondly because it's a really great hatch rate! 90% give or take!!
They are all mostly black with varying degrees of white on them. Just little bits, and the cutest wee things ever. I state the obvious in the video and say there's only 4 out. The other four were under Mavis.


  1. Congrats on the successful hatching. They are adorable.

  2. How exciting it must be to have all these adorable chicks. Good luck with then all.

  3. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Congratulations!! They are so sweet.

  4. You are lucky to have lots of little chicks. We only had one hatch this year and our only duckling died. Two of our goslings also died. One of our Pekin ducks is now sitting on a massive pile of eggs - enough for about three ducks, so maybe she will manage to hatch a few. Sensibly, she is actually nesting in their little house rather than some random place either in our orchard or next door.

  5. Thank you everyone, I've lost count of how many times I've been out to see them today. They all seem fine so far.
    MM I'm so sorry you only got one to hatch this year. I've been reading that a lot of people have had very poor hatch rates so I wasn't expecting to be so lucky.
    I hope your Pekin duck hatches loads!

  6. Gorgeous little chicks, and what a brilliant hatch percentage. Well done.

    Sue xx

  7. Chicks are cute but how I loved hearing your voice. Makes you sound so much more real and even nicer than I imagined!!!

  8. oh Alison, that's so funny, because how i wished I'd kept my mouth shut! :) xxx


  10. they are just sooo darn cute.


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Laura x