
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

It's all over, but it really was the most lovely Christmas, ever!
Lloyd and I started the day with coffee, toast and pressie opening which was lovely, then we got ourselves organised for the rest of the day.

Table all set
 (we got out the good crystal!)

We had a group of friends and dogs over to celebrate, everybody mucked in and we all made various foody delights. There was banoffee pie, crayfish, home grown potatoes, home made lemon ice cream, a whole eye fillet of beef and much, much more... we were spoiled rotten! There were 6 dogs and each and every one of them was angelic.

 Friends tents up - everyone stayed.

The day was warm and sometimes sunny. After a late lunch we went for a walk round the farm with the dogs. Then it was rounded off  out on the deck until 1am with the firepit lit, lazing around on beanbags, with blankets, watching shooting stars. BLISS. We also ate an awful lot of the leftovers!


Dogs, hoping for some treats


 Exhausted Brodie

Happy Wilson

After lunch it was time to have a little rest on the deck, in the sun.

 Then it was time for our secret Santa. Well, it wasn't really secret, but we had all got small presents for eachother.
By evening we were all happy to just sit around and chat. The fire pit kept us warm as it got darker and darker.

All in all I would say it was a pretty perfect day. 

When we made the decision to move to New Zealand ... all the way to the other side of the world... one huge concern I had was that friends and family would be so far away. I was so busy worrying about this that it never crossed my mind that I would have to make new friends. I'm not the most sociable person and I'm quite shy ( though I hide this terribly well).  I would be in danger of staying in my nest and talking to chickens all day! ( Lloyd is our social co-ordinator!) so I consider myself incredibly lucky that we have this group of friends, who I feel I've known my whole life and who, I consider my family, here in New Zealand.  
I hope everyone had as lovely a day with friends, family and loved ones as we did.


  1. Can I swap lives with you lol looks idyllic. Looks like the perfect xmas :)

  2. Anonymous3:57 pm

    A perfect holiday in my opinion.

  3. Looks as though you had a wonderful day. The garden looks great. I think
    Lloyd must have been on the lawn mower.

  4. Merry Christmas Laura, your day looks brilliant..super relaxed just as it should be....x
    (When you get a moment, can you please let me know the place you got your oilskin cloth from again, I know I asked you yonks ago, but now I have forgotten..and I LOVE yours, we have a loooong table outside that I would love one for.x)

  5. Looks like a great time was had by all.

  6. It was idyllic :)

    Kay - it's me that cut the grass! :) all three hours worth of cutting!!

    Suzanne, I got it from
    and you can buy it by the meter.

  7. Happy Christmas! It looked wonderful and the brood of dogs put a big smile on my face :) What a joy to have a tight knit group to enjoy a lovely holiday together---and be able to include so many furry and loyal companions.

  8. It all looks idylic (but then I know how much hard work goes into getting that look!!).

    You were bound to make lots of good friends after your move, nice people attract good friends easily :-) and you seem to have some really good ones.

    Wishing you a very happy christmas right back, from your upside down friend.

    Sue xx

  9. Really and truly a perfect day!

    (and I'm in love with that turquoise chair!)

    Merry, merry!
    The Goat Borrower

  10. Looks from the pics that you had a great day. Thanks for sharing your day! It's wonderful to have family and friends to share Christmas with.

  11. Lovely pics, Laura! And all the dogs are smiling, did you notice that?

  12. What a delightful Christmas. I didn't realize that you hadn't always lived there.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely day.



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Laura x