
Saturday, December 03, 2011

Yesterday was a lovely day...

I went for a sea swim over at Paihia and as we were getting our wet suits on absolutely torrential rain started to fall. It was so heavy we were almost instantly soaked with warm tropical rain - it was lovely - and such a shame it only lasted about 5 minutes. Everything is so dry up here after weeks of no rain that we really need some more.
When I got home this was the view that greeted me
 Banana, the cat, hanging out with Billy the Tractor.
(see how yellow and dead the grass is getting)

Poor Billy doesn't take too well to being left on his own all winter and come summer he never starts. His battery needs some tlc. It's our own fault, we really should give him some attention all through winter, then I'm sure he would thank us by starting in the summer!

And I couldn't resist this. I should explain. There is a chest that we keep linen in. At the moment the winter duvet is folded on top of it waiting to be put in the cupboard ( it's summer duvet time, now) Brodie thinks this is the most lovely spot to sleep, even more so now that it has some extra padding on the form of goose down! Too much cuteness!

Yesterday evening was the Santa Parade in town. It's always a really great evening out and the streets are totally packed. It's such fun. Lots of happy, smiley faces. (However, even after 6 years I still have a problem with blue skies and palm trees at Christmas, surely it should be snowing?) But I wouldn't miss this - I love it. In fact living in a triangle of 4 towns I can go to a Santa parade every weekend for a month! 

And now a something  that will mean nothing to anyone except me and Alison ( you know who you are! ) Thank you! You made my day... week... nah, probably my year! It was absolutely lovely of you to take the time and do what you did.

aha - now are you all intrigued!?


  1. Love a tropical rain storm and cute dogs and cats.

  2. Santa parades are great spectacles and helps get into the Xmas spirit. Poor Billy! I'm sure he'll come good! We had a beautiful sunny day for our run yesterday.

  3. Yes intrigued indeed !! Wishing you rain for Xmas!

  4. Anonymous7:59 pm

    Looks like the perfect day to me. I love Christmas parades! And yes, I am intrigued!

    Katie x

  5. They are such sweet photos with Banana and Brodie. x


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Laura x