
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Garden

Not a real post today - but just a new 'page' on the blog. I thought as I'd rabbited on about the farm, the house and me, that I should devote a page to the garden, it is, after all, where I spend pretty much all my time!
So have a wee look HERE!


  1. Gorgeous Laura, it is a labour of love that's never done isn't it? But I wouldn't swap it for all the spare time in the world (well maybe just a teeny tiny bit!)

  2. All the hard work must be worth it to have a garden like yours - it's great.

  3. Laura, your garden is fantastic and the results with your veg in spite of the pesky rabbits is admirable. Thanks for dropping by aberdeen gardening.

  4. That looks gorgeous, I love the photo of the trug of tomatoes.

    A lot of hard work and love has gone into that garden, it shows in every picture.

    Sue xx

  5. Anonymous7:22 am

    Fantastic photos of your garden! You have done really well, & must be so proud. Thank you for sharing.

    DeeJay from Whangarei


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x