
Saturday, January 28, 2012

When I'm not on the farm...

I've been doing an awful lot of diving this summer. I learned to dive way back in the early 90's so have quite a few hundred dives under my belt. I sort of stopped for a couple of years but have totally got back into it this summer. Lloyd is not really into diving to the same extent I am, so this year I've been lucky enough to find a brilliant dive buddy in our friend Dan and have also been on a few dives that have been organised by Dive North (who are spectacular!) Lloyd and I have joined the bay of Islands underwater club. So all in all it's been a really busy summer for diving.
I've dived the HMS Canterbury and The Rainbow Warrior  in the last few days. I thought I wasn't that keen on wreck dives and far preferred pretty reefs, teeming with fish, however the HMS Canterbury was something else!!
I can't take credit for any of these photos ( Dive North took them ) but I thought you might like to see under the water. ( Mum!)

This first one is the Rainbow Warrior looming out at us.

I'm the one with the pink tank on at the back -  looking up at the Rainbow Warrior

And some nice underwater stuff...

An Octopus

A moray eel.
Lots to see down there!

 So if any of you are divers ( or not!) and are ever in this neck of the woods and want to see what the Bay of Islands has to offer, I can't recommend Dive North enough.

Now, these photos I did take... We dived the Poor Knights Islands a while back and they are right at the top of my favourite dives ever!

Lloyd right in the middle

Me in some kelp

"swim with the fishes"

 Sting ray.


  1. Fascinating pics! The one green fish is pretty scary looking. I took a diving course back in the 80's and loved it, but never had a dive buddy :(

    Wyatt's mom

  2. A-MA-ZING! Thanks SO much for posting them :) I love continuing to learn new things about the bloggers I "follow" and I'm enjoying the info on your dive experience and being able to vicariously experience it thru you :) I've been trying to think of a way to celebrate my happy 3-0 this summer---maybe finally becoming dive certified would be an option! ;)

  3. Those are amazing photos!!!

  4. Amazing photos. You wouldn't get me down there though !

    Sue xx

  5. Anonymous3:02 am

    Even the tank is pink? You are obsessed!!



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Laura x