
Monday, February 13, 2012

In the garden

I planted some sun cherry tomatoes this year, for the first time ever and they are totally brilliant! Super sweet and tasty and incredibly prolific. Each truss is about 2 feet long. These are most definitely to be repeated again next year.
I have 2 of these and we've had a lot of tomatoes off the other one, this one will be ready soon.

I also planted another batch of Alderman peas as the first lot got hammered by the rain at the start of summer and if there's one thing my peas don't like its lots of heavy rain. This lot have put out more curly tendril thingies than I have ever seen

A couple of years ago we put in a keffir lime tree.  Mostly for the leaves. really as they are great in Thai food, and we both love Thai food. However it had an incredible amount of blossom on it and wee keffir limes are forming - now, I know ordinary limes have a great smell, but keffir limes are quite simply amazing. You can grate the skin and add it to sauces and stuff.  I'm really pleased, it looks like we'll have quite a lot of limes.

And this wee guy was following me around everywhere I went!


  1. I love the look of the lime i also Love Thai food and I guesss I will be planting one of these soon.
    Never seen a pea plant with so many tendrils what do you feed it crusts.

  2. You have lovely healthy vegies in your garden.

  3. Wow, that last photo was amazing!

  4. Hi, I have voted for you. Actually it's the only blog I've heard of on that list but I love your photos - I remember them when you used to post on Self Sufficientish!

  5. our peas did that a few years back, i didnt know it was too much rain but that would make sense, it is ireland after all lol that last photo is amazing btw

  6. Amazing pea tendrils!! The kafir lime looks great, I've heard of them but never used them or the leaves. It's so exciting when something new starts to fruit. I've had an olive plant in a small container for years and it refused to fruit, so I planted it in the ground last spring. Lo and behold it's actually fruiting and I've counted enough olives on it to fill one small jar. Yay!!!


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Laura x