
Monday, February 27, 2012

Make hay while the sun shines...Part 2

So far so good... there was one very small rain shower,  it was but a few spots of rain, and the rest of the day was pretty hot. Matt the hay man came skoosh it all over the place.  I think the technical term may be 'turn the hay'. The forecast is ok until Thursday when all hell  is supposed to be let loose - well a lot of rain is forecast. So if he can turn it again tomorrow then bale it and get it in the shed on Wednesday, all may be well, if not we're stuffed... BUT this very narrow, long strip of land is notoriously difficult to forecast so all we can really do it wait and see...

  Here's the grass being all skooshed around.


  1. I love the term 'skoosh'.... sounds a lot more exciting then 'turning the hay'! It'll be very satisfying to see it all when it's in bails in the shed :-) Hope you're enjoying time with your mum.

  2. I'm holding my breath for you! We are forecast lots and lots of rain here. I've made sure we have supplies as it's not unknown that we get flooded in...

  3. I have just found your blog and am now your newest follower, I Love every bit of your writings, you have a lovely wee farm and an adorable cottage. Thank you for sharing, I am looking forward to following you on your adventure.x

  4. Hi Kris!!

    Well last night we had one heave shower of rain - but its warm and sunny today - hay man has been to skoosh it around this morning and hopefully it will be baled this evening!!!!!!

  5. Did you get Tales from the Green Valley in NZ? We've had in over here (and you can watch on line). Its a group of historians living on a farm near Wales for a year in exactly the way they would have in the 16th century. It was fascinating and definitely worth a look. I remember the episode when they were making hay and had to "skoosh" by hand


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Laura x