
Friday, February 03, 2012

We have an avocado!

Just one, it's the size of an egg AND we'll have to wait till next year for it to be ready. But! We have an avocado!
We planted 3 avocado trees, I think, three years ago, well they're into their third year, anyway. They've about quadrupled in size and this spring they all had lots of blossom on them and I was sure all the flowers would turn into avocados. Yeah right! They all fell off. Every single one... or so I thought.

Yesterday I was out hunting for eggs, the chickens are making all the squawky "I've laid an egg" noises but when I go in there's nothing there. So I've been searching all over the place in case they're hiding them. No joy, but in search mode I found the avocado. How cool is that.
I'm chuffed to bits!

Apologies about the rubbish photo - I just ran out in the rain to get it.


  1. I'm chuffed about our passionfruit! Blurry photos are the best kind - they make my kids laugh out loud... or 'lol' as kids highlight to me in "today's" language.

  2. You must say this is Australian gday mate language...and accent.
    " av an avo "

  3. Wow- is there anything you can't grow on your homestead! How fabulous x

  4. 'in'..sorry, not 'is'....

  5. I understand your excitement. I discovered three avocados in our tree last week. It has never fruited in twenty years! Needless to say there was lots of squawking and squealing and jumping up and down.

  6. wow this is awesome. I am sure you would be super excited.

    Just voted for your blog .It is amazing

    Following you as well.
    Care to follow back ?

  7. Anonymous6:33 pm

    Yes, can imagine how excited you were! Same for me when I found two very beautiful aubergines growing on the two plants I had purchased this year - I have never grown them before, are so easy care & they are yum! I made the first two into Babaganush, & am eyeing up the other ones ripening now! Isn't gardening exciting? My favourite part of the day is getting home from work & doing the rounds - chicken pen then the garden to see what is ready to pick.

    DeeJay from Whangarei

  8. A red letter day! We've planted five different varieties of avos in March this year, so the waiting begins.... But we did pick our first pepino yesterday

  9. Anonymous12:12 pm

    Hi, Great find with the avo, good luck with the eggs.. popping in from Alisons blog. Jen xx

  10. Hi Laura! I just found your blog through your bloggie nomination, congrats! I'mthrilled a Kiwi blog has made it and yours is lovely. I'm your newest follower and a fellow Kiwi animal lover! Don't live on a farm, we're by the beach instead, but someday... :) xo Kirsty


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x