
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Early addition

When we bought our three new alpaca girls we knew thy were pregnant, but we thought the first one was due at the end of April, however when I was wandering back from the Acorn this morning I noticed a white thing near Vienna, I thought it might be a bag or something that had blown into the paddock so I went to move it. As I was walking across the white thing got up and started walking around!!!! A baby alpaca! Already! I don't think I've ever seen anything quite so cute in my life.
I ran and put some food in their troughs so that they would come up close then I ran in to get Lloyd. We spent the next age outside just looking at her (?) and taking lots of pics.
We have no idea if its a girl or a boy, we're going with girl just now, and my friend, Bella, came up with a lovely name.
Stella. Because of the wee star on her head. It suits her.

Here she is posing

A bit like the three bears! ( except Truffle isn't really 'daddy bear')

And finally you get to meet Truffle, she arrived a wee bit later than Vienna and Cocoa because Steve at Naturally Alpacas wanted to make sure she was pregnant.
I can't tell you how excited we are!

Edited to add
She is a HE. We've been down playing with him and cuddling him loads! His amazing mum let us and even nuzzled my head almost like she was telling us it was ok.  So while all this was going on we checked to see what sex he was and it's a boy. We've named him Herbert - Herbie for short.


  1. So, soooo cute!!! I am happy for you!

  2. How absolutely gorgeous...

  3. Anonymous2:38 pm

    She is the cutest thing. I love her name.

  4. just gorgeous - and yes Stella does seem to suit 'her'. If it turns out to be a 'him' you may have to change it though! cheers Wendy

  5. They are so beautiful! Congrats on the birth of your baby Herbie! X

  6. They are so beautiful. Congrats on the birth of Herbie!

  7. That's the cutest thing - and white too! What a lovely surprise to have.

  8. Oh that's almost sinfully cute!!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous. And Herbie's Mum must trust you completely to let you so close so quickly, how lovely.

    Sue xx

  10. AWwwwwwwwwwwwwww that just SO CUTE!!!! Just beautiful I want a cuddle!

  11. I don't know how you're going to get anything done now...Herbie is just too adorable. I'd be spending all my waking hours watching them too.

  12. Oh how sweet! The grip your heart with joy.


  13. ADORABLE! You just put a bright spot on my day---oh my word. Herbie is a great addition and thanks so much for sharing the pictures :)

  14. Oh. My. Gosh. Doesn't your heart just melt when you see those big, innocent eyes? :) Thanks for sharing! These pictures made my day.

  15. That is about the cutest thing I have seen in ages. Makes me want some - shame I live in central Wellington.

    Julie Q

  16. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Herbie is pretty damn cute! I love seeing your alpacas. They are the most awesome animal ever and you are so lucky!

    Reuben :)

  17. I was sooo looking forward to this post. He is unbelievably handsome! Well done Vienna.

  18. Anonymous6:57 am

    Congratulations - she is just so sweet. I've been out taking videos of lambs because I think they are so cute and funny :-) Jo


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Laura x