
Monday, March 19, 2012


It's still raining, and we're back from our drive. There was an awful lot of flooding along the way. There is a town not too far away from us called Kaeo and it always floods. I really don't know how the poor people that live there cope with it. Some have built their houses up on stilts now, but I think this would be impossible in the main street. Anyway, we couldn't actually get into Kaeo as the road was totally flooded. We just got to the outskirts.

I think the people in this photo must  live in the house on the left - they appear to be completely flooded in. The only good thing is that the waters do subside very quickly, but sadly there's a lot more rain forecast.

This is normally a cow paddock

Kaeo - pretty much underwater , the far left of this picture - to the side of the 2 white buildings - is the main road into town. It curves round and behind. It's all water.

So far we still have power and it's certainly not cold. We're also fairly high up so the real flooding doesn't really affect us at all, there are three different routes we can take into town so if we can't get through one way we can always get through another way. The only issue for us really is one of the bridges north on the way to work for Lloyd. If it's flooded then he can't get to work.

My chicks seem fine, mum is doing a good job of keeping them warm. There are 5 doing really well and one very tiny sickly one that I fear won't survive long. Time will tell.


  1. Fantastic photos, I hope you, your family, friends and livestock stay safe & sound!

  2. Wow! Great photos. Those poor people in that town.

    Hope the sick chicky goes OK...

  3. Keep safe and dry. I hope the live stock have some higher patches in their paddocks.

  4. Dixiebelle, it didn't make it. poor wee thing - to get so far ... :(

    Thanks Mel and Kay, everything seems fine.

  5. Oh sorry for the poor little chick that didn't make it - hope the roof stays on. Oy - all that water! - hope everyone stays safe and that the water recedes soon.

  6. Wow you really do get extreme weather there, glad your wee farm is not submerged, flooding is such a difficult thing to prepare for and deal with... Sad to hear about your chick but I hope the others are well :)

  7. Wow! That's a lot of rain. I feel bad for those folks surrounded by water. We are in a severe drought in Oklahoma, but the skies are dark this morning and it's predicted that we'll get several inches by Wednesday! Thanks for sharing the pictures. -Jeff

  8. My goodness! The water! I hope everyone fairs okay and that the water subsides quickly, as you said.

    Being from a rather arid region I cannot really wrap my mind around this kind of rain. We can easily get 6 inches of snow in a day and then some, but 6 inches of rain....that is a totally different story.

    Stay dry, and sorry about the poor chick. I hope the others thrive!

  9. Saw the flooding on TV, you have been hit with an incredible amount of rain. It's terrible the North is experiencing flooding again, I think the whole summer/autumn weather is crazy this year. I hope it recedes soon.

  10. thanks everyone. The rain gauge was almost full again this morning after I emptied it yesterday afternoon. The news is saying we've had 2 months of rain in 2 days! I hope everyone is ok. Reading the papers there have been some amazing rescues!

  11. L Jane9:15 am

    Sorry to read of your chicken. Does it look like the floods are receeding - I was going to be travelling through your town today - travelling up from the south! It is looking like I will be staying home. Might reasess tomorrow or on Thursday. I have heard more rain promised. I do feel for those poor residents and business's constantly cleaning up. thoughts with you all in Kaeo.

  12. Hi there, we're not actually in kaeo so I can't say for sure, but the highway warnings don't say kaeo is closed anymore and they did this morning, but I'm really not sure!!

  13. L Jane10:09 am

    Thanks for your reply Laura - I browsed you patchwork - they are lovely - I am not a quilter but my two sister-in-laws are dedicated quilters and I am taken to numerous quilt shops with the promise of coffee and cake later LOL. I do admire all quilters brilliance. I love reading Jennifer Chiaverini (Elm Creek Quilts) books - worth a look at your library if you have not heard of her. (I dream of going to her Quilter retreats!! haha) You do have a life we all wish for but do not have the courage to shuck our present situation. Keep doing it! X

  14. Keep safe. All that water!!

    We are currently in drought situation, hosepipe bans all around us.

    Sue (your dryer than you, upside down friend.) xx

  15. Anonymous2:57 pm

    That is scary. I hope you all will be ok.

  16. Golly...I can't believe how much water the region's had. Hope the water levels have subsided and the power stayed on for you. I must phone my sister (near Warkworth) to see if they experienced the flooding too. What a wash-out summer/autumn this year!


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Laura x