
Friday, March 16, 2012

The one, and perhaps only, pasatta of the year.

The poor veggie garden has really struggled this year. What with the cold start, then the first month of summer rained and rained and rained, then we had a wee nice spell, then it got so, so, so humid, then a bit more heavy rain, it never really stood a chance. It was the month of rain at the start that really did it. I have some amazing chilli plants and some lovely aubergines, but now that it's autumn they're just not going to get a chance to ripen. It's such a shame, poor things.
Usually by this time of year we will be well stocked up with bags of passata in the freezer. Not this year, though.

Here's what we usually do, and the recipe -  passata and passata recipe. I am really hoping I'll get enough from this lot to make a decent batch that will at least last part of next year.
I shall keep you posted.


  1. I sympathise with you disappointment in the vegie garden this year. Too much rain is not always a good thing.

  2. Thanks, Missy. it's so disheartening because it's the same amount of work! By the way, these tomatoes made 2lt of passata, so I'm pleased.


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Laura x