
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our Banana cat miracle

Almost 7 weeks ago, our cat, Banana, disappeared. We looked everywhere for him, in our sheds, under the woolshed, all round the garden. We nipped over to our neighbours and said he was missing and could they keep an eye out for him, which they did. But no joy. Nothing. So eventually we gave up hope of seeing him again and came to the conclusion that he must have been run over, or attacked by a possum or something. And he was gone. But it didn't stop us calling for him and having a wee look every time we went out.

Then 2 days ago we had a frantic message from our lovely neighbour, Frank. He had found Banana in his shed. Weirdly, this shed had been open several times since Banana had gone missing but he hadn't made himself known. This part is a mystery. But oh how I wish we'd searched in Frank's shed too. I'll never, ever, forgive myself for this.

But,  he was alive! Frank rushed him to the vet. He was starving, having lost a third of his body weight, couldn't walk at all and was obviously suffering from some neurological problems.

The vets put him on a drip immediately. I rushed there to see him. He was a sorry state, but tried to purr. Now it would be fair to say I should be somewhat dehydrated as well after all the tears shed. Joy, crushing guilt,

I said to Matt (our lovely and talented vet) - who knows us well - to do anything and everything. He took a lot of blood and that was all sent away. He could have liver damage, you name it.

It was a worrying night. First thing in the morning the vet nurse, Anne ( who really should have a halo and wings) phoned to say he'd had a good night! and was even trying to get up.

In the afternoon Matt called twice as the results of the tests came in. They showed complete starvation, however his liver doesn't seem to be actually damaged, which is the best news.
He is now home. In a cage! He can't walk very well as he tends to fall over and do a forward roll. He may always be an inside cat, however Matt is hopeful that once he's had a lot of TLC and  fair amount of medication and special food he may not get back to 100% but he will make a pretty amazing recovery.  And what does Banana do? Purr and purr and purr he's not even cross with us.

Banana, the wonder cat!

So please send him lots of healing thoughts. He surely deserves them.


  1. Poor Banana!What a lucky escape he's had, glad to hear he's on the mend x can I ask where he got his name???

  2. Wishing Banana well in his recovery. I know he'll get LOTS of TLC. xx Susan

  3. I'm sending healing messages to him. Warmth and love mixed with his food will surely get him better.

  4. Go Banana you can do it!! Fantastic news, it's the not knowing that;s the hardest thing to bear! ♥

  5. Be well, dear Banana cat. May the TLC of your loving family help you on your way to a full recovery.

    Love and hugs from Aunt FlowerLady

  6. Most certainly - healing thoughts being sent right now!

  7. Is it possible he was sick, or bitten by something & that is why he didn't run out of your neighbours shed when it was opened? I hope he feels better soon... you too.

  8. Anonymous12:16 pm

    Oh Banana...big smooches and lots of bbq chicken for you (my old boys fav food...apart from prawn tails) Cats are surely amazing creatures...all the best xx

  9. Oh wow. I have to wonder if he was in that shed the whole time? If so, he must have found some mice or other stuff to eat for a little while to survive that long, and then run out of rodents. Poor thing. I hope he makes a full recovery!

  10. Anonymous3:24 pm

    What a story!! I am sending lots of positive, healing vibes for Bananas.

  11. What a miracle! I'm far away in Kansas but will remember him in my prayers this weekend! What a brave boy.

  12. Poor cat, I hope he gets better soon!

  13. thank you so much everyone, I'm blown away by all your kind words, truly I am and they're helping him for sure! He just walked three steps without falling over or doing a forward roll! He is such a strong boy!
    thank you all!!
    :) :) :)
    Freerange girl, he's just called Banana! I don't know why, well his Sunday name is Winston Banana, but I've always just called him Banana.
    Dixiebelle, we have wondered that, but all his results just show starvation so I guess we'll never know. I thought maybe a stroke? But then he couldn't have survived this long as he wouldn't have been able to catch any mice or anything.
    Thanks again everyone, you're all brilliant.

  14. Laura that is amazing...cats are so strong and hardy, he must have been very healthy to begin with, or he would not have lasted that long...I wonder if he was trapped somewhere in the shed and couldnt get out...poor will never know, but at least he is home and safe...x

  15. Oh poor Banana and so glad you found him in the end. Wishing him well in his recovery and sending him much love and get well snuggles.. x♥x♥x

  16. A lucky black cat to have been found in time and he is very handsome

  17. Banana cat - enjoy all of your treats and cuddles now you are home.

  18. Anonymous1:42 am

    This post actually made me tear up! I love our fur babies so much, the mere thought of anything bad happening to them just breaks my heart. I'm so glad your Banana is home and will be ok! Sending lots of happy, healing thoughts your way!

    Katie x

  19. Hoping he recovers and lets you give him lots of love. Still no sign of our missing girl...

  20. Sending lots of warm and healing thoughts to Banana, I hope he continues to do well. Cats are amazing creatures.

    I too have a missing cat at the moment, when we got back after my Dad's funeral he had just vanished, I don't know if he is just sulking because I have been away so often recently or whether he has had an accident, I've searched and searched and I call out his name everytime I go out but he's been gone for almoist 3 weeks now, I'm heartbroken.

    My only consolation is as he was a feral cat originally he might be living somewhere on his own and taking time out from human contact, he does have brilliant survival skills, I just need to see him :-(

    Sue xx

  21. Oh Laura, what a relief that must be for you. What a silly cat. And how lucky he is to own YOU!

  22. Oh! I am so glad you are all back together!

  23. Sue, I'm so sorry you have a missing cat. But you just never know. I really hope you at least see him soon or better still he comes home. xx
    Alison, same for you - you never know...but I totally sympathise. It's the not knowing...

    He is coming on leaps and bounds. He polished off a chicken breast yesterday - it took the whole day, but he manged to eat a lot, which is great. This morning he jumped right up onto the sofa - and four days ago he was lucky to still be alive, so miracles can happen :)

  24. Banana is an identical twin to our sweet cat Boo!!! So glad Banana is doing so well!!! Beth in California


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Laura x