
Sunday, May 06, 2012

Meet Stella.

Cocoa has had her cria!
When I went to feed them this morning I saw her and she had quite literally just been born. We saw her stand for the first time and take her first shaky steps. It's brilliant! She looks smaller than Herbie did, but when I saw him for the first time he was all dry and fluffy. Stella is still wet. Cocoa was an angel and let me clean a wee bit of amniotic sac off Stella's face and check to see if she was a boy or a girl. Then we stepped back and let them do their thing. She hadn't drunk anything yet as she was barely able to stand up, but we'll watch her closely to make sure she does.
It's terribly exciting! And Herbie will have someone to play with !


Later now, we put her little coat on as the weather has turned showery and not very nice. We also contacted Steve and Christine at Naturally Alpaca and they kindly gave us some colostrum so we came home and made up a bottle. Better safe than sorry. She drunk it, but I fairly had to force the teat into her mouth! After she drunk the bottle she went straight to Cocoa and fumbled around - in the right place but, to be honest, I don't think she actually drunk any milk... we'll feed her a bit more later. 
Wish the sun would come back, though.


  1. Another little miracle.

  2. Wow!! how fantastic, I normally don't reply to blogs, but had to this time, I LOVE watching your cute pets and this little one is just gorgeous and so new!

    Thanks for sharing with us, from over in OZ. Lotte

  3. Absolutely adorable! I love when you share pictures of them :) And this brought a much needed smile to my face. Welcome to the herd Stella!

    1. you are very welcome! keep smiling... you're a shiny star!

  4. A birth is always beautiful, but when it's to one of your own it seems even more special! Cocoa has done well and Stella looks amazing!

    Aroha! Drink little girl and keep yourself safe and strong with your new family!

    Kia Kaha!

    1. thanks karen, she is drinking and drinking now - we're relieved.

  5. I hope by now she is drinking away happily and warm and toasty.....congratulations on another addition to the furries....

    1. thanks Suzanne! And Look! I can reply to you directly - thanks to you! xx

  6. I have never seen one that little before -- how lovely.

  7. Congratulations 'Mum and Dad'. She's adorable and I just love those wobbly legs. They grow all too fast too quick though don't they?....animals and children. xx Susan
    P.S. think of all that fabulous extra Alpaca yarn you'll get now!

  8. Awww, she's gorgeous!

  9. Anonymous9:21 pm

    Congratulations! What a gorgeous girl, you must all be so proud!

  10. She is adorable! I was at a friend's farm a few days after her cria arrived. They had them all in with the cattle and we watched the cattle chasing the little cria around the bottom paddock, so we raced down to rescue him. Amazingly, he was just fine, though his mum was pretty rattled. I couldn't believe how robust they are from the beginning. And heavy - I was holding while my friend moved the cattle to another paddock... Good luck with your beautiful new arrival.

  11. She's beautiful. I'm hoping shes up and feeding now. I'm tempted...

  12. thanks averyone!
    Alison she is. Whew! I practically had my head under Cocoa to make sure she was getting milk out! She's drinking a lot. It's just a shame our weather has turned to custard - its drizzling all the time. Still, she seems nice and warm with her coat on.

  13. Ouuuu Stella! She is very sweet. Congrats to you all.


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Laura x