
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bottling the feta

My feta has been maturing in some brine for a few weeks, now. I tasted it and even though it's a week short of the recommended brining time, I think it tastes really good, so I decided to put it in oil today.

Here's a couple of reminders of what I did. Brining and Making. The making post was actually when we made it over at our friends house ( we've half eaten that batch!) I made it again - all by myself, terribly brave - a few days later.

It's been in the fridge, doing its stuff for three weeks. I checked on them daily to begin with then sort of forgot about them!

We like to add a bit of rosemary to the oil. So I nipped out to the garden and picked some, then chopped it up a wee bit.

Then I drained the brine from the feta and crumbled the feta into chunks. I find it's better to just break bits off rather than cut it with a knife.

Next the feta and rosemary goes into a sterilized jar and the extra virgin olive oil is added.


 So, ok I slightly overestimated the size of jar I would need, but you could also put this into much smaller jars and give as pressies. We use a big jar cos it's all in one place and you just use a long handled spoon to get the feta out. I added some of our older stuff to the Jamie's lasagne I made the other night and it was lovely.


  1. I love the knife in the picture. Is that a Global? I have a Global chef knife and it is great!

    1. it is. Lloyd loves global knives, we've got several of them... should say we've bought them over years!! But they last for ever. :)

  2. That looks amazing, we love feta and am off to read your other posts about it. I like the rosemary idea, would add a lovely flavour :)

    1. it does taste really scrummy and it's the easiest cheese to make - we've had a lot of success with it. However, we've had NO success trying to make hard cheese!!

  3. Making your own feta - how cool! I love the jar too - great labelling idea!

    1. yea, I've got a wee bit carried away labelling everything with chalk paint!

  4. Anonymous4:57 pm

    That looks truly delicious - I have not been brave enough to make my own cheeses day. I've got a tough crowd here too - very fad eaters so I never know if they are into it or not!

    1. Honestly If I can make it anyone can! You could just make a small amount and eat it yourself!

  5. I don't eat cheesesy cheeses, but I'd have a go at this lot, just coz..:-)

    1. I think you's actually quite like it - it's not strong and sort of crumbly and creamy at the same time!


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Laura x