
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Man, it's frosty!

Ok I should qualify that - "Man, it's frosty for Northland, New Zealand"
Last night the sky was totally clear and we just knew that it was going to be a cold one - it probably got down to say -3. That's really cold for us. It may even be the coldest we've had on our wee farm since we arrived here.
To give an idea of how cold it is, I am sitting typing with my PJs on, a fleecy hoody, a pair of fingerless gloves, a wooly hat that has teddy bear ears and my uggs. I can only imagine how stupid I look, but I feel almost, but not quite warmish. New Zealand houses are not known for their insulating qualities.

 I'm not sure my rainbow chard will survive.

And I may have to make some slippers for the ducks, their feet must be frozen, poor wee things. They were looking rather bemused. They've never seen frost before. 

But, it really did look beautiful.


  1. Bit chilly here too, we've already had more than out average frosts! Gonna be a cold winter (for NZ)

    1. tell you what, though, Sue, it makes for the most stunning days. Now the sky is that amazing, pure blue you only seem to get in winter, the sun is shining and it feels almost like a Scottish winter ( well a MUCH warmer one but still!!)

  2. Anonymous10:35 am

    Very lovely, frosty photos. We get frost here too and I'm always torn between going out to explore and staying in by the fire. Your outfit sounds darn comfortable, not silly at all:)

    1. thank you! I think L is going to go to the cinema this afternoon, so we may not light the fire, and I finally did get dressed! :)

  3. Laura's Mum11:01 am

    O.K. but it is your WINTER!
    We had 9 during the day today -- folk are back in their boots and woolies -- with rain and not just in the north.
    I don't remember having the heating full on in June.

    Scotland has been doing well beating Australia and now Fiji at rugby.
    How is Bob? What happened to his paw?

    1. I know - but it IS really cold for us - absolutely stunning now though! Poor you - not much of a summer is it - and I can relate cos as you know, ours was crap last year.
      Bob pulled his dew claw almost right out yesterday when he was playing, so lloyd rushed him to the vet - they cut it right down but didnt have to take it out - and gave him a painkiller and an antibiotic injection. He seems fine now, it's just a bit raw xxx

  4. My mom's swiss chard has survived through three winters here in Oregon, with snow up to six inches deep on the garden. Yours should be fine I think!

    1. oh that's so funny - imagine me worrying about it with that teeny tiny bit of frost! :)

  5. When we lived in Dunedin we bought a pair of fingerless gloves. These got a lot os use on those chilly nights and mornings at the keyboard.
    Keep warm.

  6. 3!!! Don't worry about what you look like Laura, just stay warm.

  7. I got up late so only caught glimpses of the frost in the shade. Wasn't it a lovely day though, so blue! Now the fire is roaring and I'm toasty warm - that's one thing we got right when we converted the shed - LOTS of insulation!

    1. It was a gorgeous day! I love these sort of winters days and even though I moan a wee bit I actually love the cold.

      Lots of insulation is the way to go! We did it in the woolshed when we did it up, but unless we take the walls off the house or do that squirty thing.... I don't fancy either of them! We've got under house and in ceiling insulation - that'll have to do!!

  8. Anonymous10:52 am

    My man has just spent the weekend in Wellington from Sydney and said it was freezing down there also. The sun is out here in sydney this morning and it's live and warm (ish). Hope you warm up soon.


    1. It was most likely even colder down there, we don't usually get such cold temperatures up here, in fact most folk were still wandering around in tshirts, shorts and jandals - nutters!!

  9. BEAUTIFUL photos. That said, I'm glad we're not in the frosty season yet ourselves. But, oh the way time will be here before I know it anyways. I hope you're having a great day!

    1. it'll be unusual of we get another one as thick as this one! You have a great day too! x

  10. The frost is beautiful but i'm glad to have summer. It's going to be 90F here in Western New York today. How are those cute cria's Herbie and Stella? I look forward to pics of those sweet babies.

    1. Hi Jenny, Herbie and Stella are great. It's about to lash with rain any second - we have thunder and lightning forecast but when it clears up I'll take some pics for you. xx

  11. Oh Laura, you made me laugh. Bet the frost was worth it for that one brilliant photo of the garden!

    1. It was :) the garden did look really lovely.


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Laura x