
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

A busy few days

On Friday Dan and I went for a dive. It's winter now and we didn't see another soul out on the water - it felt like we had the whole bay to ourselves!
The water is colder, but my fandabby new wetsuit is amazing and keeps me nice and toasty.

On the second dive I heard weird clicking, whistling noises. I've never heard them before and couldn't work out what they were. When we surfaced I asked Dan if he'd heard them. He had - Dolphins!!! So we were swimming around in earshot of dolphins - we didn't see them, they could have been far away, but it was an amazing thing to hear! I won't forget that in a hurry.

I call these underwater daisies!

Me, being an air head!

I know this is all fuzzy, but I like it - When I'm underwater I feel totally at home, I love it. I sort of feel all serene. 
 ( which I pretty much never feel on land!!)

Then on Saturday my friend Claire and her daughter Amber came down from Kaitaia and the three of us went to a roller derby! I went to one once before down in Whangarei and it was fun. This time it was one of the same teams and they had a match up here. It was a right laugh, and totally makes me want to get a pair of skates.
It was absolutely freezing, though, and I didn't really thaw out until the following morning!

On Sunday Lloyd and I drove down to Auckland - Flight of the Conchords were playing at the Vector Arena. They're terribly funny, talented guys. They'd played a lot of smaller venues throughout NZ, but hadn't made it very far north and also the tickets were like gold dust. So they decided to see if they could fill a huge stadium. They did - almost three times over! And what I loved was that they kept the ticket prices low so that at a push anyone could afford to go. Our seats were shocking - way up in the gods, third row from the top - but they were right in the centre. ( admission time - I am totally terrified of heights - I tried to send my friend a text and my hands were shaking so much it was utter nonsense!) However once they came on stage I almost forgot about how high up we were. They were brilliant. Real laugh out loud brilliant. It was also great, cos we met up with a couple of friends we hadn't seen for years and had an absolutely lovely time with them.

Terrible picture, sell out audience, very high up!

We got home later on in the afternoon yesterday and really didn't have the energy to do much! So, Lloyd got some soup he'd made out of the freezer and I made some dough, and made it into sort of garlicy bread roly poly, pull aparts. And I have to say they were way nicer than any bread I've made!! I'll most definitely make them again they were absolutely yummy with the soup.


  1. Busy indeed. I admire your bravery with the diving, whilst I adore water, the big deep really really scares me. Enjoy your day at home today.

    1. Honest I'm not brave! I just love it. if there was a shark there I'd be the first to swim away - fast!!

  2. We had a lovely time too!
    Those roly polys look yummo and the underwater daisies are beautiful. Might have to give diving a try in the spirit of 42ness! :-)

    1. Carin it was SO good to catch up with the 2 of you. Lloyd was just saying he really hopes you all make it up here one time - even the kids!! heehee! Actually they'd probably really like all the aminals

  3. What a great weekend.

  4. Love your underwater shots!! Can you just imagine what the dolpins were saying about you strange looking creatures!!

    1. Yeah!! I actually think the dolphins in the bay really like people - they seem to make a point of coming to swim where they are and stay around for ages. A while ago we were in a cove and swam with them for about 3 hours. We had to leave first as we were so tired!

  5. Wow, lots of happenings. I love snorkelling but have never dived, learning to do so is on my list of things before I am 50 - I'm 42. Those pull a parts look scrumptious.

    1. brill, well you've still got a few years! I learned in my 20's, but honestly I don't think it's any more easy or difficult when you're a bit older, you just have to like being in the water, really!

  6. Looks like you've had a fantastic few days. I used to love snorkling around the reef when I lived in the Whitsunday's YEARS ago but could never bring myself to learn to dive. Those rolls look great and have given me an idea for dinner tonight!

    xx Susan

    1. so, did you make them for dinner!? We finished ours off for lunch yesterday with the rest of the soup. So good! want to make more today :)

  7. Laura, I think those amazing two guys are coming to Brisbane soon. Thanks for the reminder, I meant to follow up some time ago. I quite often have the CD on in the car - never seem to tire of it! cheers Wendy

    1. we travelled round the south island for a month and the only cd we wanted to have on was one of theirs. Hope you get tickets, they were absolutely brilliant.

  8. Anonymous9:40 pm

    Thank you for sharing the dive photos - you might be afraid of heights but I'm afraid of depths lol I love to see what is down there from up here though. Those garlic pull aparts look like pure genius - a lot more interesting than the generic french stick - and if you do take up roller derby you absolutely must tell us here on the blog land....I have a secret hankering for donning the skates again :D

    1. Isn't it funny what fears we have. I know my height one is totally irrational, but that doesn't seem to matter! I would love to do roller derby, and I am definitely going to try and go to one of their open skate nights (it's quite far away to travel - an hour and a half south of here) not sure if I'd have the courage to actually be in a derby - it's not the skating, but the clothes - silver tights and fishnets and teeny tiny silver shorts - seriously, I don't want to scare the audience away!!!! The refs get to wear nice stripey shirts - maybe I could go for that!!!!

  9. I still have my roller skates from when I was around mum bought them big and I remember having to wear three pairs of socks to make them fit at first......I have great memories of roller skating on Friday nights at the church hall to Adam and the Ants playing in the background with my best friend
    I tried those skates on not long an attempt to be really cool and go roller skating with middle me....I was stuck hanging onto the clothesline outside screaming as I couldnt move until my husband came and got me..........he thought I was nuts.......maybe I am, but I would really like to be able to do it again without the fear of breaking my wrist.or my ankle if I

    1. they still fit! I think my feet have definitely grown ,but I do really wish I'd kept the good skates I used to have, I have no idea where they went - there's a chance they could be at my mum and dads. It was Friday nights we went too.
      So when you tried it it obviously didn't come back to you? Poo! I was hoping it would!


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Laura x