
Monday, July 09, 2012

Lemon Muffins

I LOVE muffins. I Love lemon. I have eaten many muffins. I have never made muffins. Now that I have I can hardly believe that I haven't, but there you go!
I've made gazillions of cupcakes in my time and guess what? Muffins are even easier!

We are over run with eggs and lemons so I went with that.

I started off with an incredibly simple recipe ( I have only had 2 hours sleep, after all. Wimbledon finals will do that to you)

2 cups self raising flour
3/4 cup White Sugar
grated rind of 1 lemon
1 egg
1 cup milk
60g butter - melted

1/3 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup Chelsea White Sugar


Mix flour and sugar together. Beat egg, milk and lemon rind together then add to dry ingredients. Add melted butter and stir until just mixed. Pour into prepared muffin tin ( I lined it with parchment paper) and cook for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees celcius in a fan oven or 200 degrees celcius in a regular oven. While they are cooking mix the lemon juice and sugar together well. As soon as the muffins are cooked take out of the oven and spoon over the lemon/sugar mix until it is all gone. Leave the muffins to sit in the muffin tin for approx. 3 minutes before taking out.

The smell is amazing and the taste is pretty good too.


  1. yum, will give these a go....I have two, yes, two lemons to pick and I am thinking very carefully what they will be made into..... :) I love a bit of paper on my muffins too...looks good and easy to eat and pack in a lunch box...enjoy...

    1. well you only need one of them for this recipe! I wish we lived nearer, we've got 4 laden trees, It's difficult to actually use them all. I would give you bags of them :)

    2. My little northern mind can hardly comprehend the idea of having so many lemons as to be able to give them away by the bagful. I am amazed by the thought!

    3. yeah, it's not something I can really get used to either! I mean, yesterday I just went out to the garden and picked 2 of them for baking - lovely perfect lemons!

    4. I cant wait to be able to hang bags on the front fence for people to take...the other day I grabbed a bag full from a box someone had left out the front of their drive way for people to in OZ it seems the 'thing' to do when you have too many lemons...the person had even left plastic bags there for you as well, bless them..

  2. Our lemon tree is loaded and they sound and look delicious. Thanks.

    1. shame this recipe only calls for one lemon! I think next time 'm actually going to put in a lot more.

  3. They do look rather yummy! I think you could probably freeze the juice into ice cubes so you could use them fresh later in the year. I freeze nettle/cleaver juice that way and it works really well...

    1. Yes, you can, I did this with a lot of the limes last year I have a huge bag of frozen teeth shaped lime juices!!

  4. These look awesome and something Rachel (my little girl) would adore. I personally am looking forward to anything that goes well with a good beverage of choice tonight to help me deal with my delightful son Michael.
    xx Susan

    1. aw! It sounded like you deserved a glass today!!xx

  5. Laura's Mum7:38 am

    You will have to make them when I come in November. I love muffins and anything lemon esp. with grated lemon rind. You're becoming quite a baker!
    Hope you're keeping a list of all the things you are going to make!!!

    1. So far, i think it's muffins, feijoa crumble... em... em....cant remember anything else xx

  6. Diana McKay10:47 pm

    I'm going to try these tomorrow. If you're looking for a super easy cake to make that uses more lemons and eggs, try this - it's just DEVINE. I made it in a loaf tin :) Best part? It makes TWO cakes - one for you, one for the neighbour/freezer/guests!

    1. brill!!! I know what I'm going to make this afternoon - I so love lemon cakes! Our lemon trees are all drooping with lemons and the chickens are laying up a storm! Thanks for this xx


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Laura x