
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chickens, chickens and more chickens.

It's no secret I love my chickens, but I haven't taken any photos of my 2 new girls yet, they're both Barnvelders and should lay dark brown eggs. One of them is filling out nicely (they were both a bit peaky looking when I got them) the other one is younger and is still timid and a bit skinny. AND won't let me get a decent picture of her!

However this is ... no name at the moment - Lloyd suggested calling the new ones Facebook and Twitter! But no! My girls all have girly names. She'll tell me soon enough. She's so much more shiny now which is great.

And this is Princess Clucky Pants. She's one of my black araucana crosses and she lays blue eggs. I love her 'hair'

Mavis and Beatrice enjoying a wee drink.

And one of my three young barred rocks. I Love these chickens. I've never had them before, and they are big gentle giants, who clean the grass clippings off my boots! They're just called "The Stripeys" the smallest one is "Baby Stripey"!

And finally, this is Dorothy. She's another araucana cross. Remember last time Mavis went broody I didn't have time to buy in any rare breed eggs, so I just gave her a mixture of fertile eggs from my own chickens and King Bertie? Well they turned out rather cool looking ladies! She lays green/blue eggs.


  1. Hehe! All so cute! I can't keep track though. How many chickens do you have altogether?

    1. I have a lot! One rooster boy and 24 ladies. I started with 4! I think I have enough now! well more than enough really. If ( and I really mean when!) I have a broody this year, I will sell the young ones. Even selling the eggs it's an awful lot!

    2. oh how did you get on??

  2. They are all gorgeous. I love the feather colours. Enjoy the eggs.

  3. I love seeing your chookies! What beautiful girls!

    1. I adore them. You know you hear of old cat ladies? Well I think I'm going to be the chicken lady!

  4. Ermengilda or Gilda for short? Don't know why, just 'cause. I'm planning on restocking after the fox traumas will wait until after I've taken Miss 10 on a holiday to my favourite place in a couple of weeks. I really miss my blue eggs...

    1. OO I like that! So what do you think you might get? And where are you off to?

  5. Your girls are gorgeous! Such beautiful ladies.
    I love my girls too. We have had them for about 5 months and I would not have believed I could be so smitten with them.

  6. All lovely girls Laura. I like Barred Rock too, we used to have Plymouth Rock when we first moved to acreage. They are lovely, but found the Queensland heat a bit too much as they are such big birds. Makes me want to try out a few different breeds - love PCP's hat! cheers Wendy

    1. You're right, they are big. Mine have only just started to lay and lay teeny eggs, but a lady told me they lay massive ones when they grow up a bit. I love their fluffy bottoms and lovely nature.

  7. Gorgeous girls, we have a Mavis here too.....I think the one with no name that is black and silky looks like a Cecilia........I had a silky black girl once, she was Priscilla.....I love giving the girls names.....hope the egg situation isnt so overwhelming this week!!

    1. I love the names Priscilla and Cecilia. That's it they're named! The small one was instantly Priscilla :) thank you! And as for Mavis - great minds think alike.

  8. Ooooh....I think I'm in love with Dorothy....she's gorgeous.

    They are all lovely really, but Dorothy is just so lovely.

    Sue xx

    1. She is isnt she. I've had to work hard, though with her. She's really timid and used to always run away. Now she comes with the rest of them but is always quite near the back. But she does let me stroke her when she's in the nesting box.

  9. They are all beautiful! Our city council just passed an ordinance allowing for hen keeping. Woohoo! I know what I'll be learning about this winter!

    1. Wow! brilliant ( and exciting!) news. You will be hooked! How many will you be allowed to keep? I just say, as it's terribly addictive! I started off with 4 and thought that would be more than enough. I'm now up to twenty 4! Oh dear!!

    2. City council limit is six hens, no roosters. It seems like plenty, but I bet you are right about it being addictive. Most people I know that keep hens have many more than six!

  10. Your girls are STUNNING. I only have three but they are my world I tell you. I have been treating them (Shhh don't tell Hubby) to a special mix of Red Lentils, Quinoa and Rolled Oats - not everyday and usually as a bit of hand food to keep them friendly and trusting. They LOVE it. Bonus... our eggs are super nutritious! :-)


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Laura x