
Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy (belated) Christmas!

We've had the best - but busiest - time over Christmas. Lots of friends visiting here and lots of us visiting friends elsewhere.

Christmas Day was just lovely.
Lloyd and I woke up and had a wee glass of champagne then a breakfast of home made eggs benedict - this is a bit of a tradition.

After that it was pressie opening time. Santa was very good to us!
Lloyd got a gun of all things - a farm gun, though. Sadly our rabbit population has reached shocking numbers, so rabbit pie will be on the menu rather a lot this year! I still sneakily save baby rabbits if the cats are chasing them. I gather them up and hide them in the oak tree, but I do whisper to them that their days are numbered...

I got a huge surprise when I opened my present - a new camera! Lloyd had managed to get this without me having an inkling! I've been reading the manual and trying it out with just the wee ordinary lens on it - want to learn a bit before I start using all my good lenses! It is amazing! I am very lucky. Thank you Lloydy xx

In the afternoon of Christmas Day, we headed over to Dan's house. He had his family there, so it was lovely of him to include us in their day. We had the best time and laughed and laughed!

For the last couple of days I've tried to have a rest! Lots of photos have been taken!
This is one of my favourites. Banana was washing himself. If you look closely you can see his wee face between his front legs!

And here's presents we were given by very talented friends!
Isla is a ceramicist and is an incredibly talented artist. She gave us these stunning bowls. And Ness can turn her hand to anything and made Lloyd this lamp out of a piece of driftwood that washed ashore at the beach!!

I treated myself to these alphabet stamps. I've become rather addicted to pinterest and saw that someone had used these stamps to make garden markers - all you need are these and some clay... I'll keep you posted on how I get on (clay was ordered this morning)

So, I hope you all had as lovely a Christmas as we did,  and that you ate too much, spent time with loved ones and laughed a lot.


  1. I think I got the same set of stamps! No wait - I only got the ones with capital letters. Haven't tried them on clay yet. I had the impression that you needed tougher metal ones to do the imprinting on clay? I've used them to make little signs around the house with ink.

    1. Oh! I'm not sure - the pinterest thingy I read definitely just had the same sort as we both have. As soon as my clay arrives I'll let you know how I get on.

  2. ooo! What lovely photos! A good camera does make a difference!

    1. the camera quality is amazing - it fees so well made!

  3. Merry Christmas Laura and Lloyd. It sounds like you had a lovely day and you were both deservedly spoiled.

    xx Susan

    1. aw thank you! hope your Christmas was lovely too

  4. I am so happy you enjoyed your holiday. Let me know what you think of your camera. I have been eyeing it for sometime. I use a canon rebel now and would like to upgrade.
    Good luck with the garden markers. Sounds like a cool idea!
    Happy New year!

    1. Already I can tell you I love it! Even after a few days. It feels very substantial as well - it's nice an heavy!

  5. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Sounds and looks wonderful, I may have a little camera evny going on.... happy 2013 to you xx

    1. :) if it wasn't my camera I'd have camera envy!

  6. How exciting a new camera! I've got one too ... my first DSLR... I've gone for a cheaper Nikon so I could get a couple of lens too... weight was sadly a major consideration due to problems with my hands and I really wanted a pull out screen... Enjoy capturing beauty!!

    1. enjoy it! And yes, my new one is pretty heavy, so prob best to get a lighter one.

  7. Your Blog photos will be out of this world now I look forward to seeing lots of arty shots. I love your little stamps too. What a wonderful selection of pressies you both got.

    Sue xx

    1. we were rather lucky :) I've been taking photos of a cicada that was in my greenhouse this morning!

  8. Lovely! Sounds like a great time--happy Christmas!

    1. And same to you - I hope this year brings you lots of happiness xxx

  9. I am still catching up on things, obviously, but am so happy to hear of your Christmas festivities. Sounds like a wonderful holiday! Here is to another blessed year for you and yours!


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Laura x