
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Greenhouse is a HUGE success!

Way beyond my expectations, to be honest. Obviously this year is a learning curve and I'm not sure how many tomatoes I'll do next summer. I'm more likely to do some over winter and into spring. But the chillies are doing amazingly - Lloyd should be able to make some spectacular sauce this year.

Here's a wee comparison photo. I should also point out that I'm not even feeding them with anything other than rainwater!
Tomatoes on the left, chillies on the right. There's also some basil at the front with the biggest leaves I've ever seen and some rocket in the back corner.

Look how green and lush everything is.

Things are doing really well in the outside veggie garden too. Tomatoes, lettuces, spring onions and even some eggplant!

 Lots of different sweetcorns and cauliflowers.

 Courgettes of different colours
There are also cucumbers, peas, garlic, and the most brilliant potatoes. We got some Maori seed potatoes a while back. I always thought Maori potatoes were purple, but these are white, knobbly and fairly small. They are quite honestly the best potatoes I have ever tasted! Incredibly creamy and the flavour is amazing. Will absolutely be doing these again.

 We're even still getting the odd asparagus

 This is one of the ferns. 

finally, after 3 years, we have our first avocado - I've been nurturing this for a whole year! I just ate half of it and it was lovely. This year lots of wee tiny avocados have set so I'm hoping for more next year.


  1. This is soooo inspiring!! Best of luck. I'm thinking of getting a small one for my deck for herbs ♥♥♥

    1. thank you - and you should absolutely go for it - seriously this is the nicest thing!

  2. Green with envy Laura. Absolutely fantastic! Happy new year to you and Lloyd, may the coming year be a good one. Alison xxx

    1. Happy New Year to you too!! :) If you were nearer we could share it.

  3. WOW Laura that growth is amazing in that short time , what a great investment that beautiful greenhouse has been, your vegetable garden looks wonderful too, the satisfaction must be so good, always worth the hard/pleasant work. I hope 2013 brings you & Lloyd much happiness & delicious home grown things :)

    1. Isn't it! Amazing! The veggie garden really is my pride and joy. There is something so lovely about wandering out there and bringing in dinner. Happy New year to you too xxx

  4. Oh it all looks so lovely, lush and green. You have me completely jealous at the moment.

    I am dreaming of the prospect of things actually growing again, as I look out of our windows and see the bare branches of the trees and the sodden mess that is the flower garden I can only hope for a better Spring this year and a better growing season for the veggies.

    Thanks for a glimpse into your Summer.

    Your greenhouse is amazing, I love the curved bed rather than the straight lines that are usually in a greenhouse , something I'll perhaps copy when I next start afresh.

    Sue xx

    1. Aha, but remember this when you're basking in the sun in July! I've heard that it's incredibly wet in the UK just now, Lloyds mum keeps me updated on England, and my mum on Scotland. SO I hope you manage to stay a wee bit dry.

      I like the curves as well - that was a happy accident as the edging I bought came in a roll and rather than cut it we put it down in a oner and so the curves!
      Happy New Year, Sue!

  5. Wow how exciting Laura... everything looks fab AND your own Avacado!!
    Over here things are so bleak I'm finding it hard to imagine anything will be be able to grow again! I do know it will but last year was such a major challenge for the first time in years I actually had to buy most of my veg!

    1. I know! an avocado! I can hardly believe it to be honest - Avos are something I totally love!

  6. I love seeing green gardens this time of the year when we are buried in snow! I would like to have a little greenhouse someday.Until then, I will enjoy looking at yours!
    Happy New Year!

    1. ah, but snow is lovely too. :)

      Happy New year Donna xx

  7. Lloyd's mum/Penny8:49 am

    I am GREEN with envy!!! Our garden is a bog--well, everybody in the UK will be having the same problem! I'm thinking of growing rice!! I woke up at 2.30am, looked out of the window, and the land the other side of the Lane was totally covered in water--a huge lake; mind you I like to see it like that-providing it comes no nearer the house! I'ts rained for most of the day but has now stopped and is subsiding. I've sowed sweet peas, and they seem OK and are now in the cold frame, as instructed. Hope they won't shrivel up in the forthcoming colder weather. But the tomatos I sowed, germinated and promptly died--why? I will sow some more this week and keep everything crossed.

  8. All of your plants looks so lovely and vibrant. Oh, it makes me even more anxious to start seedlings and whatnot. The seed catalogs are showing up in the mail now.

    I sure admire your greenhouse and I can tell it will be of great use to you.

    Congrats on the avocado!


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Laura x