
Friday, February 08, 2013

It was my turn to make dinner last night...

..Poor Lloyd!

But no!
For Christmas mum and dad gave me this lovely cook book. Really recommend it! So I decided to make something from it. Caramelised onion and feta tarts sounded nice, so I started around 10am!

Well, you know what cooking and me is like.

Here's the recipe for the tarts, and below is the recipe for the caramelised onions. I did make the whole recipe and the jar it makes is a decent size.

Onions all peeled and ready to go - good tip - no watering eyes - wear a dive mask. You look like an idiot, but your mascara remains intact!

Brown sugar and balsamic vinegar added, now just cook and stir, cook and stir, cook and stir... for ever!

But, wow, were they totally lovely! Well worth making a big batch.

I cheated and didn't make the pastry. I bought ready made stuff, I use it all the time and I think it's great. So what I did was roll it out and put it into 4 wee flan thingies I have. I made it a lot bigger than it needed to be and rolled it over the top of the dishes ( because the last few times I've made tarts the pastry has shrunk a lot.) This worked ( thank you Jamie Oliver)
I blind baked it at 200 for 15 minutes, then took paper and baking bead things out and cooked for another 5 minutes.

By now it was about 1pm...

After that I went out to the garden and weeded and played with the chickens. By around 5.30 I was refreshed enough to build up the tarts.

Start off with grated tasty cheese in the bottom, then crumble ( my home made!) feta onto that. After that put some of the caramelised onions on top. I could have been way more generous with all of these fillings.

Next I got 6 eggs and beat them with a blob of cream and put this mixture into the dishes.

Cooked them at 180 for around 40 minutes.
We had them with a tomato and rocket salad - it was delish! ( even if I do say so, myself!)



  1. Clever you! I don't cook alot, I can even burn peas!

    1. I actually used to hate cooking, but since I've been baking so much I've been doing a bit more cooking. I don't love it, but when things work out I'm really chuffed!

  2. It looks totally yummy.

  3. They look delicious! I like the idea of making a big batch of the onions - they look like they could be used for many dishes.

    1. that's what I thought. At first I wasn't going to bother slicing so many onions - but I'm glad I did now!

  4. Oh wow, they look amazing. We're big fans of caramelised onions in this house. Hope you're well. xxx Alison

    1. It was a nice simple way to do it too. We're good :)
      How about you - I'm missing your blog!!

  5. Anonymous1:05 pm

    Looks delicious and quite simple to make too! Thanks for sharing this with us. :)

    1. It is simple, especially if you have the onions done already! We decided we prefer one large tart rather than small ones.

  6. They look lovely, and I can imagine the taste.....drool.....Lol!!

    Sue xx

    1. yep, taste was scrummy - needed more of the toppings though.

  7. Wow....and you say you don't cook well!? Caramelized onions are fabulous. We make a caramelized onion pizza sauce that is a household favorite. The photos you took of them are really pretty as well as illustrative! Good work!

    1. I think it's maybe more that I don't enjoy it... I'm getting better :)

  8. What an awesome tart. I would have been sneaking forkfuls of the caramelized onions.

  9. Anonymous7:04 pm

    They look so good I am sure I can smell the over here lol! I always marvel at how long it sometimes takes to make something for the first time, but the next time you have it all worked out. I still have trouble with the supposed 'one pot meals' I end up having lots to was up and things that they say will only take 30 minutes always take me longer, but I get there in the end. Louise
    ps You know how I was hoping for rain and whinging about the humidity, we got over 200 mls in a day and were quite close to our town flooding to the point we were told to evacuate! All good in the end the levee saved our town again. So no more wishing things for me. lol

    1. Oh it takes me forever to make things! I've done a lot of Jamie Oliver's 30minute meals - they always taste amazing, but my record in an hour and a half!!
      I'm glad you got rain - but not quite as much!!! What a relief you were safe.

  10. This looks delicious! I'm pinning this one to try for sure.

  11. Now I really, really want that cookbook! And I don't cook ... :-)

    1. just get it to look at the pictures!

  12. So glad you stopped by and linked up last weekend @The Weekend re-Treat!

    Hope to see you again this weekend :)


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Laura x