
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chris and Dan's visit!

Chris and Dan, our lovely friends from Melbourne (and Bali trip), were over for a wee holiday this week.
It started with Lloyd and I heading down to Auckland to pick them up. After a day there - Chris and Lloyd went on a dental course - we headed up home again.
We've been having a bit of an Indian summer, but wow did Northland lay on some spectacular weather for us all.

On our first full day here we drove to Matai Bay - Chris and Dan had been here last time they were over and very much wanted to go back - there was a lot of splashing around in the sea and body surfing going on.

(yep, all those crowds on NZ beaches...)

By that time we'd got up a good appetite so drove down to the 'old favourite' of Mangonui to have some fish and chips for lunch. Yum as ever.

In the evening it was the ferry over to Russell and a nice wander around there, finished off with dinner then the ferry home again.

 The next day we all needed a bit of a rest after all our gallivanting around Auckland and here - so we just hung around in the sun, lazing on the deck and having spas. Lloyd spent most of the time preparing an amazing meal.

Chris getting Lulah cuddles - Lulah ADORED Chris

In the evening we had a crowd of folk round for dinner. It was totally lovely.  (with apologies to Simon who was caught in the act of stuffing his face!!)

 The following day it was back to more exploring. Three artists have just spent around a week painting this amazing mural on the wall of the old Kaikohe hotel It certainly makes it look a whole lot better than it did!

We went over to the Hokianga - which is a real favourite place of Lloyd and I. Stopping off at The Copthorne for lunch and more swimming.

It is absolutely stunning here.

Chris jumping off the wharf - Dan had already gone

By last night we were all exhausted and stuffed - so had dinner of a lovely simple Thai Salad and all went to bed!

They left this morning to catch a plane back to Melbourne. It all passed far too quickly.
Till next time...


  1. It all looks perfect. We made a decision that this year is the year we get our social life back, it's going so far so good. :D

    1. You started well with your party - it looked amazing!!
      it was all perfect.
      Tell you what, though - our social life is so good here that sometimes I have to hide under the covers and rest. LLoyd is the real social one in our family - I need time to recover!!

  2. Anonymous5:35 pm

    Hi Laura, we all do live in paradise, don't we? Looks like you had a fab time.

    BTW, are you able to advise where you stayed in Bali? My hubby & I are hoping to go over in late July/early Aug for a "big birthday" - like Sue W just had (I cannot even begin to say the word - I can't believe I'm almost there!).

    I went to Bali 16 years ago so it definitely would have changed by now, but hubby has never been. Am definitely looking forward to going back.

    DeeJay in Whangarei

    1. DeeJAy have a look here it's got all the info on where we stayed in Bali, the names of the villas and where we went - it was amazing - I loved it so much and now it'd be even better as Air NZ do direct flights - we had an awfully long route to take!!

    2. Anonymous12:14 pm

      Hi Laura, that link says "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist". I did do a search on Bali first before asking you, and it bought up two from August - I did the link to your Facebook page for photos but that didn't yield much either?

      Yes, great that Air NZ are doing direct flights now - I well remember the long haul flight - and the landing! There were t-shirts for sale that said "I survived flying Garuda Airlines!" which I could well understand after the event. :-)


    3. that's weird! sorry! ok next try - go to the list of words - under quick search. Find HOLIDAYS the last one that comes up is the Bali one with all the bumf! xx

  3. Really BRILLIANT photographs Laura, as you say the weather is amazing & so great when friends are visiting. I love Russell to bits, has to be my most favourite place on Earth but I cannot explain why ! Your Tomato Ketchup looks SO yummy, hope you had a lovely Birthday :) Your blog always makes my day xx

    1. thanks Ali! Russell is so lovely - when we go over I always feel like we're going on Holiday :) something about getting a boat to a place. I did have a lovely birthday :)

  4. OH wow!! That all looks amazing - totally jealous, we're wrapped up here with temperatures of minus 3.5 and it's supposed to be Spring!!

    1. and this is supposed to be autumn! But it's been hotter this week that a lot of summer! Mum told me it's been snowing a huge amount again! xx

  5. That looks like a wonderful and exhausting good time with friends! How wonderful for all of you to enjoy some time together like that.

    1. it was so wonderful! But this morning I got up at 8.30 ( poor L was up at 6.30 for work) still, I've managed to get a lot done already -so I think the long lie was actually worth it!

  6. These gorgeous photos really show why you ended up where you did. Lucky lucky you!

    1. yep :) that's pretty much what we were feeling!

  7. Those beaches are just beautiful! Thanks for brightening my day. It's going to be just above freezing here today. Can't wait for spring.

    1. and this is us in Autumn - it can't last forever though :(

  8. runningwhio9:04 pm

    I came to see what you were up to, seems I hardly see you on Twitter these days :) And here's why! Sounds like you're having an amazing summer - the ketchup looks amazing, the beaches, the FOOD! I can't believe all that crayfish on the table (your cupcakes looked divine!). And the glazed pottery looks great too.

    1. I am a twitter shocker - keep forgetting I have it, then when I remember don't seem to have anything to say! dare I say it.... whispers... I'm a facebook girl - can't shut me up there! xxxx


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x