
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I made a pie.

Well, actually it was two pies!
We were over at R&V's for a coffee and Ness had made this amazing apple cake, which I am also going to make as it was so lovely.
Anyway, I asked for the recipe and it was from a magazine. I find a lot of recipes in magazines when I'm out and about at friends or wherever, so what I've started doing is taking a photograph of it on my iPhone. Then when I get home I put it into a folder of recipe photos!

So I took a pic of the apple cake recipe and then flicked through the rest of the magazine. I came across a recipe for a chicken, leek and kumara pie, which looked like something I could manage, so I made it for dinner and it was lovely.

As you can see it's a well used page!

Here's one of them straight from the oven, we had it for dinner.

And here's the second one. This was the following day, it's out of its pie dish and this one we had for lunch! I'll definitely do it again.


  1. What in the world is Kumara? It must be a New Zealand thing, I've never heard of it.

    1. I hadn't either till I moved here!! But I had heard it called a .....sweet potato! :) It's just a big orange or purple sweet potato! and so yummy!!

    2. Would that be oca, called New Zealand Sweet Potato? What we have that is called sweet potato is only orange or white, not purple. But oca comes in tons of colors.

    3. nope, not them, we call them yams!
      this is Kumara,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47244034,d.dGI&fp=ae522e677f4f6b5&biw=1280&bih=671

  2. They look so yummy. I put leeks in our vegie patch for the first time and was thinking soup now I'm thinking pies.

  3. Oh that looks simply delicious, I have no idea why but I have never made a pie always made sausage rolls and pastie but never pie , I think I might have to give it a go just looking at this photo

    1. well, I've never made sausage rolls or a pastie! So I really should give them a go.


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Laura x