
Friday, September 27, 2013

Painting bedrooms!

Since we moved here, 8 years ago, I've painted the house. A lot. Every new french door we've put in, every bit of fretwork round the verandah, every room in the house... the list is endless. I did repaint the bedroom when we moved in, but it was the last room to be done, and even though I loved it, Lloyd and I both knew there were patches that had never been done properly - and the ceilings never got done at all. Eight years on and it was looking very tired.
This is the colour it was - it's Karen Walker, Coastal Blue. It will always be one of my favourite paint colours.

 I couldn't find a full room photo, but this gives an idea of the colour before.

 These photos also don't show how flipping tired it was!

 Anyway,  we wanted a change AND really wanted the ceilings done. But I am so over painting! And getting a professional in wasn't an option financially! So, helpx to the rescue! We put on our Ad. that we wanted someone that could paint. Three young German boys replied. They arrived a few days ago and got to work. I have to say it was a fairly Mammoth job for them, and they worked SO hard. They ended up doing an amazing job. Lloyd and I both love it!! And best of all I didn't have to do it myself!

Here it is - our new, grown up, white bedroom. We used Resene Alabaster for everything ( If anyone's interested!)


  1. It's beautiful Laura, so full of charm and making me feel relaxed just looking at it! Sue x

    1. thanks Sue, I just love love love it!! Im sitting in it now. It makes the rest of the house feel very dark, though and I only painted it last year (ish!!)

  2. Love the new look. I have just painted two of our bedrooms and the lounge room, ceilings and walls and trims. We have been here for 6 years and I couldn't stand the yellow walls any longer and when I set about cleaning them before painting I realised exactly how tired the were. Now it is me that is tired LOL. I now walk into the rooms and think it was all worth it. My husband then suggested that the kitchen ceiling needed painting so I will save to get a professional to do that!! Love the mirror in the bedroom it is gorgeous.

    1. I think I love this even more because I didn't do it!! Painting is really hard work isnt it! Bet yours looks lovely. Thank you - the mirror was bought when I sold my flat in Galsgow - it was our treat!

  3. Oh Wow Laura, that is so gorgeous, straight out of the glossy pages of a NZ Hose and Garden!!! Hope you rewarded your trio of lads fittingly.

  4. This makes me feel like painting. Wait, that's not quite right. It makes me feel like having new paint would really improve the looks of things around our place. Confession: When we bought our place in early 2012 I left all the paint as is, except the living room which was disgusting. Ever since I've been "meaning to" paint room by room....which has never happened. Boy, does your room look so bright and clean and inviting though. It might be time for the tan to go in my bedroom. Great work. It looks wonderful.

    1. yes. there is nothing like having one room done beautifully to show up all the others!! I did actually paint the rest of our house not that long ago - but now I want it ALL WHITE!!! xx

  5. I work so hard at not being envious of your life. Between your lovely partner, your cool farm and the whole rollerblading thing, well, there are days when it is quite the struggle.

    Aside from that, everything is so nice.

    1. Honest sometimes things do go terribly wrong!! I just don't tell anyone! :) xxxx

  6. Absolutely gorgeous, and how brilliant that you didn't have to do it all yourself :-)

    We have a couple of rooms painted now but there are many more to do in our new place and it's all being done by us (I would have got decorators in like a flash, it doesn't cost that much to simply get everything painted white but LH decided we were going to do our house by ourselves).

    White really is a fantastic colour for setting everything else off wonderfully well and opening up the space.

    Your room looks beautiful, and yes that mirror is fantastic!!

    1. I can't remember how many years it's been since someone else did the painting for me! I would so love to do the whole house now - but the thought of it is too much!!

  7. I LOVE this. Especially since I've been wanting to paint my own bedroom it's currently this hideous ivory color. This is further incentive to do so. Looks great Laura!

    1. do it do it do it!! all I know is - you won't regret it!!

  8. Just lovely. I know the feeling - our bedroom hasn't ever had a paint since we've moved in. I've pretty much painted everyone else's... twice... three times for some... I did the ceilings of our rumpus out of necessity - it's the hardest to do - my neck was aching for days after... I might just have enough energy to start soon... :)

    1. sometimes you just get so over painting!! and I agree with you about ceilings - lloyd and I did the kitchen one and it was the hardest work :)


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Laura x