
Monday, October 14, 2013

Operation Picket Fence.

I mentioned in The garden share collective post that finally 'operation picket fence' was a go. We'd removed the hedge and were ready for the fence to go in. Unfortunately we couldn't quite afford a fence for the whole almost 40m length, but we took the old hedge out anyway as I had always hated it. We've got the fence done, and where there's no fence, we've bought lovely new hedging (Teucrium)
and it'll be planted very soon.  It's teeny so I reckon it'll be about 18 months before it looks like we want it to, but it'll be worth the wait! What's another 18 months when we've waited for 7 years!!

But!!! here's Operation picket Fence in action...

Framework is all in position.

Pickets on! Gates done!

Primer and undercoat done!  Still got 2 more coats of actual paint to go, but it's looking ace!! 

 Towards the end of the year we'll have a pergola/garden arch done to go over the gates. I want to grow a clematis over it. But that will have to wait for now.

 Bob thinks it looks great! He supervised.

And the view from our house...

Since the picket fence was looking so lovely, it put the front bed to shame, so we got out the pruning stuff and set to work. There was a LOT of camellia pruning to be done. It took hours and a very sore back.

Here's the before - well, the in progress...

 ...and the after.  Camellias are back to being nice round balls and we can actually see out over the deck.  The gardenias that are in between them and ground cover will now actually get to see some light and may have flowers on them again, soon.

and since we're around the house, here's the wisteria on the bedroom deck. I adore it and the smell is out of this world.
This is our pale pink one. We've also got a lot of purple as well.

 We really got a lot done this weekend. And I'd like to say a big thank you to Paul and his trusty helper, Greg ( Kerikeri Hire a Hubby) for all their hard work getting the fence in.


  1. Love it Laura, it fits just perfectly! x

    1. thanks 'other Laura' you'll see next time you're over that I've been 'careful' with the photos!!!

  2. Anonymous11:07 pm

    Laura it all looks amazing, well done to all involved....good on you guys ♥
    love Colleen & Shane

    1. thanks guys - I can't take much credit for this one!

  3. YAY! you finally got your picket fence. And today you can sit inside with a hot cuppa tea and gaze at it (cause the weather is so crappy!)

    1. :) and I know I shouldn't say this, but I am glad it's raining today! already I've been having to water my veggie garden!! and we spread some grass seed and it could really do with another hosing! I'm off to pottery this afternoon :) yippee!!!

  4. Your house looks truly beautiful. So very pretty. I love spending a day in the garden and standing back to appreciate all the hard work. You have all worked very hard and it really shows.

    1. thank you :) and I totally understand what you mean about stepping back and appreciating what you've done :)

  5. The fence looks absolutely wonderful, it's sort of like a frame for the house in a way ! the Wisteria is a dream, it really loves your soil.
    Well as for the bread.......I am not sure if I would know when to stop eating it :0)

    1. it is isn't it!! oh I don't know when to stop eating it!!

  6. It just looks perfect!! You are living the dream!!

  7. The pickets are a perfect fit for your house. It looks so beautiful and so does the wisteria.

  8. I have read this post about 4 times! I LOVE the picket fence and the before and after shots of the trimming of the bushes! We want exactly this fence for our front yard. Just need to find $! Getting fences done is SO expensive but worth it because the end result looks so good! Thanks for my official inspiration photos! Oh and just read the shearing post. So sad to hear about you losing one but they all look SOOOOO lovely! Too, too cute!

    1. it's the finding of the $$ that's the hard part! I was absolutely gobsmacked when our quotes came in! I truly thought we'd saved enough for the full length! How wrong I was! Gates and 4m on either side of them was all we had!! It was a bit of a shock. BUT I actually think it will look better like this!! But yep, get saving!! xxxx and thank you, about Vienna. I didnt even post about it cos I felt so horrible. :(

  9. Wow, it looks amazing. I love the pruned bushes, they really finish things off.


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x