
Saturday, December 28, 2013

A fantastic Christmas, and yes, I'm still going to pottery classes!

I'll start off with the pottery!
I now have an awful lot of wee bowls, so I decided to try my hand at something else. We always have eggs, so I made an egg tray thingie.

It holds 24 eggs and I measured the window sill in the kitchen and made it to fit there. I'm really happy with it, the glaze came out exactly as I wanted it!

The other thing I did was to make 2 wee owls for the christmas tree. I saw these on Pintrest and thought they would be something quick and easy to make. They were.

So, that's the pottery. ( I have actually made loads more but I'm sure it's very boring to see loads of pots that look almost the same!) 

Next off....Christmas!

We had Christmas here this year and our lovely friends came to share it with us. As is the tradition in NZ everyone brought something, so a few emails had flown around with a menu plan.
Danny and Paula supplied the crayfish and a banoffee pie ( Danny makes the best ones in the world!) and other bits and bobs.
Simon and Alison came laden with prawn kebabs, home made pate, some amazing potatoes and other delicious treats.
Kate and Richard were armed with a roast chicken, ham, chips and dips and more scrummy morsels!!
Lloyd and I did the eye fillet , smoked kingfish pate and some salads oh and the christmas cake!

There was (as always!) far too much food! 
But we sure had fun!

The Christmases we've hosted that our friends have come to have been my favourites! Everyone stays the night, so we stay up late, whisky is drunk, the fire pit is lit and we lie around on the bean bags watching shooting stars and satellites pass over head while we talk rubbish. 
I love it.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again! We are so incredibly lucky to have made such truly amazing friends here. Especially at this time of year. I'm not home sick often, because I am lucky enough to see my parents, family and friends fairly regularly. But this time of year is difficult for me. I miss mum and dad and my brother and the cold! But having such lovely friends ( and lloyd, of course) helps more than they probably know!

This year ( as usual!) we made our christmas presents. There was a food theme this time. The hamper had lemon curd, home made chili sauce, pickled eggs, iced Christmas cookies and florentines. Even the tags were home made. My favourite was the florentines - I had to test these a lot!!!


  1. Where do I start!? The egg tray is brilliant and the colour is divine. Your xmas day looked splendid and so kiwi, great spread of food Laura. But my favourite would have to be your gifts you made. Totally beats any shop bought mass produced over priced gift any dat. You and Llyod are very creative and your friends must simpley adore you both!

    1. I love the egg tray too - I was so pleased with it. :) Dunno about our friends, but we adore them!

  2. It looks like you all had a wonderful day, I love your big table on the deck. I;m trying to persaude Joe to make our lower deck wider (when it gets replaced...sigh!) so I can fit a table out there. I love the idea of sitting on a 'veranda' always dreamt of having one Love the egg try too. Have a very Happy New Year and perhaps we'll get to catch up at the end of February when we're opp norf!

    1. we had the best day :) If you build a deck from scratch I really recommend a 3m deep one. Our builder looked a bit horrified, but it was the best thing we did!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and Lloyd! It looks like a fantastic day was had by all. The FOOD!!!! It looks so amazing I just want to eat it through the screen.

    xx Susan

    1. The food was out of this world - I am very lucky - I know a lot of people that are really brilliant chefs!

  4. WOW ....... Laura could you have imagined anything like this from your Townhouse in Glasgow :0) , It is very hard when you move from your homeland but in my opinion, looking at your lifestyle, you & Lloyd made a great choice ! Everything looks really wonderful, you must have been so busy !. Your egg rack is brilliant, how satisfying is that, you will appreciate your creativity in your kitchen everyday !!!!!! xx

    1. nope *grin* even though it was lovely! But you're right, we were SO busy on the run up to Christmas - I thought I might sleep through the day!!! have a very happy new year Ali xx

  5. Your Christmas day looks happy and relaxed just the way it should be. We always say we aren't going to have lots of food and eat to much but we always do to much but at least we can have leftovers for a couple of days before someone groans at the mention of ham!! We ditched the traditional fruit pudding this year and I made a ice cream one and I think we have a new tradition.
    We were going to eat outside on Christmas day but the flies invited themselves along so indoors it was.

    I had been wondering if you were still doing pottery classes. The egg tray is such a pretty way to keep eggs but the little owl is has won me over it is so cute.

    Best wishes for you and Lloyd for a happy and healthy 2014.

    1. We've so many left overs - still ploughing through them - even had to put some cray fish in the freezer!!I'm still very much doing the pottery classes - it's my therapy!
      happy new year to you too xxxx

  6. Oh Laura, that egg tray is so lovely. You are one very clever potter ! I feel inspired to take up pottery now .

    1. oh you should!! it's such fin and very restful :)

  7. Replies
    1. OH! I didn't know this one was here too! Bet you thought daft bat after leaving yet another comment below!! Not stalking you honest! ;-)

  8. Anonymous8:45 am

    Just love the egg tray. Thanks for sharing your special Christmas Day :)

    1. I love it too - I may make some more - maybe for presents...
      happy new year!!

  9. What a lovely Christmas you had! Great job with the pottery :)

  10. There is so much awesomeness packed into this post. Your egg holder is so very cute and clever! I love making art. I love making art even more if it is useful as well as aesthetically pleasing! Lloyd (and all your friends) sure seems like a barrel of laughs!! What fun! So glad your Christmas was merry!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x