Monday, December 09, 2013

The driftwood tree!

It was a bit more of a guddle than I  thought it would be.
At first I had planned to string the bits of driftwood together, rather like a mobile so that they would hang in a tree shape. After hours of drilling holes and tying bits of string all over the place it just wasn't going to work. So I left it for a few days and had a wee strop.

Then plan B was devised with a little help from my friend, Cath, who pointed me in the direction of Command Strips. I'd never heard of these! But they are amazing sticky things. They cost almost as much as it would cost to buy a flipping tree, but the finished article pleases me greatly!

And bonus! In a teeny, tiny living room, because its on the wall, it takes up no space at all!!

see what I did there? twinkly!!
 photo ScreenShot2013-12-09at65118PM-TWINKLE4_zpsdb60268e.gif


  1. I've seen pictures of these but thought they'd never work and that they probably fell apart as soon as the stylist and photographer walked away. I was wrong! It looks fab.

    1. I must admit, I thought the same thing, really!! but nope - all in one piece :)

  2. That is one FANTASTIC tree, Laura. I really, really like it. Sometimes Plan B turns out even better.

    1. definitely - in this case Plan B was so much better :)

  3. Oh, that's very clever! With a that huge pile of drift wood you gathered i was thinking your tree wood be an outside, sculpted tree with lights.

    1. that huge pile is our friends - she is busy creating with it - they have holiday cottages so it's bing used there. I just stole a few wee bits!!

  4. You are right! but we didnt have any sets that were the right size! there are lights wound round the wooden oar that sits beside it and on the mantlepiece though!

  5. Too cute Laura - and I've learnt a new word (guddle)! cheers Wendy

    1. oh yes! Guddle! I use it a lot - I am in one a lot!

  6. Anonymous1:48 pm

    I love it. So good that you persevered. Looks brilliant!

  7. It always pays to persevere and this is gorgeous and well worth the rethink.

    Love the twinkly effect :-)

    1. I'm glad I stuck at it - I've still had to make a few more adjustments - but it's been in position for days now so all good!!


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Laura x