
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lots of lovely things and one bad thing...

First the good things!

We bought a boat! We wet halves with Si and Ali. It's an old malborough hull nippy wee thing. Their neighbour was selling it, so we got rather a bargain. It's been amazing. We only got it a couple of weeks ago, but have already been out diving like crazy people. It's just great for the 4 of us to have the freedom to go out and dive whenever we want. 

And yes, it is called Le Coq. Already this has generated hours of endless amusement!

So to look the part I made myself a striped top to wear :) cos I pretty much know nothing about boats! However, I did manage to get the anchor up, well my friend Darlene, and I together, got the anchor up and drove it over to the guys who surfaced from a dive a wee bit away. That was an achievement!

My stripey top!

We've also had friends Darlene and Chris staying, who are over on holiday. I went to school with Darlene, so we've known eachother for more years than I care to admit! We had an absolutely brilliant time with them, packing in as much as we could. We went down to the Poor Knights Islands for a days diving with Yukon Dive ( who are absolutely brilliant) and did 2 of the best dives I have ever done ( and I've done a LOT!)  Si and Ali came too and it was amazing.

Me going through an underwater crack.

 A Moray Eel

Simon pointing something out

Teeny, tiny nudibranchs. These are one of my favourite underwater thing to find. They are very, very small.

And as if that wasn't enough, the following day we went out on Le Coq, Si drove, Darlene and I actually didn't dive, but just chatted all day on the boat while Chris and Si went for a scallop dive. Then they went for a wee snorkel at Black Rocks and picked some mussels. We had scallops and mussels for a starter that night!

We knew that the forecast was for heavy rain on Chris and Darlene's last day so we made the most of the three days of sun. We went for a drive over to the Hokianga. Which is always stunning.

Land surfing?

Happy to be here!

So we have been very busy, and thank goodness ( and thank goodness for good friends keeping our spirits up) because Bob has been ill. He had our own amazing vets a little stumped so we rushed down to Auckland to see some specialists down there. He's had every test known to man and xrays and ultrasounds. After a lot of results they think he has/had a kidney infection. His last urine test was all clear so this is great news, but this morning his temperature was up again. He seems on the mend though, but I really don't know. It is incredibly stressful for us. Not having any children, we lavish all our love on our dogs. They are our family, so when one of them is ill it's awful, and awful not knowing exactly what to do. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Fantastic boat ! incredible photographs, lovely nautical top. I can see you are having a great time with friends. All my fingers are crossed for Bob's speedy recovery. xx

    1. Thanks Ali, Poor wee Bob, though he does seem to be on the mend.... xxx

  2. Great photos Cap'n Laura. Love the boat and looks like you will be having lots of fun in it.
    Sending big sloppy kisses to Bob and hope he is better soon. xx
    cheers Wendy

    1. thank you! The boat is amazing :) Bob appreciated the kisses xx

  3. Those underwater pictures are amazing! I love, Love, LOVE them. Congrats on becoming wee boat owners and sending big, warm loving hugs to you, Lloyd and especially Bob for a strong recovery.

    xx Susan

    1. thanks Susan, it's such a worry when your pets are ill. I really hate it. xxx

  4. Laura, your photos are mind-bendingly beautiful! Wow! Gosh, I'm jealous of your summer right now.

    I remember my first view of Hokianga Harbour, I was totally blown away when we crested the hill and saw it. I had to pull over and just gape at it for awhile.

    Here's hoping Bob is better soon,

    1. AND they don't do it justice one bit! SUmmer is wonderful this year, long hot days but none of the usual humidity we get - perfect really. We go over to the Hokianga a lot as friends of ours have a bach there and it always blows me away!

  5. How wonderful to have a boat and enjoy the ocean!! I hope Bob heals soon :)

    1. it is beyond brilliant! we feel very lucky to have friends to share with!

  6. Oh, your underwater adventures never cease to captivate me! What a world! And now I expect you'll get to do even more of it with Le Coq around!! And I sure am sorry to hear about Bob's poor health. That is never easy--and doggies cannot articulate what is wrong. I hope he is on the mend for all of your sakes.

    1. We've been out more this summer than ever before - its ace having rally good friends who love the same things as we do :)
      Bless wee Bob - he really does try to tell us!

  7. Anonymous1:35 am

    Great photos, know what you mean about worrying about Bob, we are the same no kids so worry about keeping our girl Vanna healthy, now we live in Thailand a bit different to home in Australia. Hope Bob is on the mend xx.

    1. The are such a worry arent they. Especially when they get older - Brodie is 7 and Lulah is 6 so none of them are babies any more :(


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Laura x