
Sunday, February 23, 2014


A few months ago DandP asked Lloyd and I if we wanted to take part in Ironmahue. It was a one day event which was made up of a 1km sea swim and a 10km run. You could do it individually or as a team of up to 5. It's the first one so hopefully they will keep doing it year after year. We decided to do it as a couple. Lloyd did the run and I did the swim.

To be honest we did as good as no training and the night before had almost no sleep!! we were staying at our lovely friend, Kate's house because she was looking after the dogs for us. And omg! the three of them were a total nightmare, not settling, roaming around the room all night, trying to jump onto the bed... so when we got up at 6am we were not in the best place! In fact if we could have thought up even the tiniest of excuse we would have wimped out!

But we didn't. And I'm so glad we didn't. It was great fun.  The swim was lovely. Totally calm and a nice loop of 2, 500m to make up the km. You could have 2 team members swimming or you could just do it yourself. I did it myself.

Then I had to tag Lloyd and he set off on the run. I didn't envy him. It was hot and horribly humid and the run had a huge amount of steep hills! But he did it!

We were home by lunch time feeling rather self righteous! (so we spent the day lying on the sofa watching a film! it was raining!)

we might even do it again next year...


  1. Well done guys! I expect you both to be wearing the medals when we see you :D

    1. haha - we won't - but I may let you see them!! :) :)

  2. Great job !
    I got tired just thinking about it, lol

    1. Honestly, I had the very easy part, It waspoor Lloyd I felt sorry for!

  3. Yay! That's a wonderful thing!

    1. It was actually such an incredibly amazing morning!

  4. Congratulations team Jerome !!!!!!!! Great T Shirts & medals. xx

    1. the tshirts are fab arent they. A very cool design.

  5. Good for you! Very well done. And you both look so pleased! I hope they continue it and perhaps next year you can arrive a little more well rested!

    1. yeah! we've decided we will most likely do it again. Lloyd said he will definitely do some training and I'll take it a bot more seriously! Like I will actually RUN into the water whenthe race starts! Lloyd said I was pretty much last in - wandering down the beach! doh!!

  6. Well done you two!!!! Put your feet up with a bag of potato chips, a pot of dip and some drinks, you both deserve it!!

  7. Legendary! It's so true that you never regret the things you did as much as those you failed to do right? I'm hoping to do the shorter run in our City to Surf this year... it's in August but since I'm no runner I have to get in early and start training! ♥

    1. how right you are. I am so glad that we didnt wimp out. In fact it was Lloyd who pushed us. So go Lloyd!!

  8. Hi Guys,

    Thank you so much for your positive feed back on our Ironmahue event. After the event and everyone had gone home, we where getting ready to start packing things down… all nine committee members where so tried and could not even think where to start, then my cell phone beeped advising I had mail, when I opened and read out your email to the committee members, we where all inspired to keep going…..

    We wish you well and, see you next year for Ironmahue 2015…

    Kind Regards
    Paul Todd
    Ironmahue Committee

    1. wow! well I'm really glad I sent it! I think we often forget that once something is done and dusted the poor organisers still have an awful lot of work to do. But like I said, it was brilliantly organised and had such a good feeling about it all. All the organisers did an amazing job! Loved the tshirt design :) We will do it next year and who knows we may even train a bit!! xxx


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Laura x