
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Garden Share Collective ~ June

It's almost June already? How on earth did that happen?

So, there's not a whole lot going on in my garden just now.
Here's what there is...

The broad beans are growing incredibly fast. They've only been in for 6 weeks. Can't wait to get some beans - yummy.

My sweetpeas are coming along nicely. I'm hoping for some beautiful flowers this spring.

The lavender is flowering and is attracting lovely bees to the veggie garden. I just planted it in there this summer. I really like having flowers in the veggie garden.

And the bumper avocado crop. I am SO excited about this. Even more exciting is that there is a new market starting up in the town near us. We're hoping that we can sell a mixture of things - like Lloyds Chilli Sauce (he booked a day in a commercial kitchen last week and made about 12 litres), his book, and perhaps some avocados.

The globe artichokes are on to their 4th crop! each time we hack them down to ground level they zoom right up again and produce more! Amazing.

I don't think I've posted about our lemongrass before? well, it got a bit dried out and meh last year, so I hacked it right back to ground level  ( i seem to have been doing a lot of ground level hacking!) and cleared out the dead and dry bits. Gave it a bit of a feed with alpaca poop and voilá, lovely lemongrass again. We use it a lot in the kitchen. Often just using it as a skewer for chicken - the flavour is amazing.

Greenhouse tomatoes still producing well. One of the sub arctic plenty plants from last year is still producing. I gave it a good prune and lots of feeding. I've never had a tomato go on for so long.

Citrus season is in full swing. Which means lots of baking of lovely lemony things!

Olives - another thing I've never mentioned before! We had a wee cottage put on the farm a good few years ago, now. We use it for friends and family when they come to stay, but it's also rented out as a holiday let. We planted the garden from scratch at the time. Not having a lot of money, we pretty much bought trees that were on special! Some turned out beautifully and some not so well. Not that they were horrible or anything but one was a silk oak, that grew to over 30m in about 4 years. It sadly, had to come down as it was simply in the wrong place.  Having volcanic soil here,  everything just grows so fast. We did, however, plant a olive tree. It is laden. The branches are bending with the weight of the fruit, but unfortunately we have no idea what kind of olives they are. We're guessing they're for pressing as they are small. Can anyone help with the identification??

and finally...lovely autumn Acers.

So, that's it from me this month. 
Please go and have a look at all the other amazing gardens in the Garden Share Collective. This is the brain child of Lizzie from Strayed from the Table


  1. Anonymous9:28 pm

    Hey Laura .. Great shots. I'm jealous, we can't grow avos on our property. Would love to grow artichoke too, but haven't. I'll ask a friend about your olives .. She grows commercially. They may be Koroneiki .. :)

  2. Anonymous3:42 pm

    Hey Laura ... gosh I left you a long message the other day. Hope I'm not doubling up! Lovely pics, I'm very jealous about your avos! I have asked a friend who grows olives commercially - she thinks that yours are Koroneiki. Hope that helps you ... :)

  3. Oh to grow avocados, what a dream! Great garden update and lovely photos.

  4. I do believe that my lemongrass might be due for a ground level hack too. I'm a fan of flowers in the veg patch too.

  5. I don't know about not much going on in your garden lol. I love seeing pics like this. I can relate to going through different stages with lemon grass :)

  6. I hope I get an avo crop like that down the track. My trees are still very tiny. Artichokes are crazy plants. I ended up removing my two plants as they kept growing so large and my husband really didn't like them so they have made way for other things. It is a beautiful plant though. I enjoyed seeing them in the garden. Sorry can't help with the olives but they look great! Lucky you :-)

  7. So envious of those avo's!

  8. Love the lemongrass. I grew some from seed last spring so waiting for the roots to thicken up. Have you tried making tea from the leaves? It's delish!


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Laura x