
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I have got some MAJOR news.

Lloyd and I have bought a new house!

It's still in this area, but it's over by the sea. It's got a very small actual garden, but has some lovely native bush with a bush walk right down to the water, with amazing views over the Bay.

We have plans for it - well, it wouldn't be us if we didn't!
It's a totally different style to Darroch Cottage. It's more modern and open plan with a lot of glass. It's not huge, though, so we will extend it a bit. New flooring, kitchen changes, bathroom cosmetics! bigger deck, fence the garden so that the dogs are safe and secure ( not that they are ever out without us anyway!). I'll probably put in a greenhouse - still want to grow our veggies! 

However, Our Wee Farm isn't even on the market yet, we're just not quite ready, so the actual move to the coast is quite a bit away. 

It's hard to explain why we want to move. I suppose it's a whole lot of different things. We want to travel more, or at least not have the ties, so that it's easier to get away when we want to. At the moment it's a huge feat of organisation to even go away for a long weekend! I know that in the not too distant future I'll tire of the vast amount of work keeping a farm and a huge garden under control and looking like I want it to look, in the sub tropics, where there is no rest season!  I want to leave loving this place. 

We've arrived here almost 10 years ago knowing nothing about having a garden, let alone running a small farm and we managed to create a beautiful place, but soon it'll be time for a change. We want to be near the water. 
We want to be closer to our friends. We spend a lot of time with each other so it will be lovely to be within walking distance rather than over an hour round trip in the car. Lloyd only has a couple of years left on his contract, and even though he'll most likely stay, he has ideas of what he'd like to do and this may involve a bit of travelling around the country. I'm all for this, but it's impossible if we live on a farm!

I know when the time comes for the move, and the day I drive down the drive for the last time my heart will break a little. And I know that I will never want to even drive past this lovely place and it not be ours.
I will miss our wonderful neighbours.

But for now, and perhaps the next year (or more!) this is still our wee piece of paradise and we will love it as we have done for the last ten years. 


  1. Well done and good for you two. It is nice that you are not rushing, so you will be able to enjoy both places I guess. Plenty of time to re home the animals and get used to the idea of down sizing. I do like the idea of being on the coast, and views too!!

    1. Ah Sue, we won't get to do anything to the new one until we actually move in - it's got nice tenants in it so it'll sort of be like it isnt even ours :(

  2. I am sitting here thinking, oh gosh, that looks perfect. All those clean lines and the decks and how nice for the dogs and then, oh gosh, the Cottage!

    Such nice plans you have.

    1. That's exactly how I feel! it's a little frightening!

  3. Congratulations. Life never stays the same, so embrace the new change and enjoy it.
    Hugs Kay

  4. If it feels right then it is right. Good for you, I'm glad we got to see your place before the move. :D xx

    1. I'm glad you got to see it too :) and it does feel right.

  5. The new place looks gorgeous. I look forward to sea side adventures. So exciting having 2 places for a while.

    1. It is gorgeous - it's such a change for us though. Completely different style of home. It'll be fun making it ours

  6. Wow. That IS major news. Good on you both, for knowing what you want and following that. I am sure you will miss the farm, but yes, new adventures await.

    1. I'm not sure I'll miss the farm!!! But I will miss our wee house and my gorgeous garden.

  7. It's good that you're taking your time over moving, by the time you come to do the actual deal you will be sure as sure can be that it is the right move at the right time. It does look wonderful ..... and I think your heart lies by the water.

    1. You are right, my heart does lie by the sea. Always has.

  8. Wow - that is major Laura. Great decision and probably a great decision to take it slowly. Well done you two! cheers Wendy

    1. yep, I'm glad we're taking it slowly with the actual move - the decision to buy the house was slow too! We actually saw it last year, put an offer in, then had a freak out and withdrew instantly!

  9. Anonymous5:55 pm

    Exciting times ahead, with a new house, in the bush, by the sea, how lovely. Is this over by your friends at Driftwood at Purerua? Look forward to your new house by the sea stories and photos.

    1. thanks Sophie, it is nearer them. It'll only take just over 10 minutes to get there. And less than 2 minutes to other friends.

  10. Looks gorgeous! If you can take your time, do it. Home is where the heart is!

    1. I think that too - I'll be sad to leave here - which is the right way to feel. But excited to make the new place home.

  11. Anonymous8:38 am

    Wow, how exciting. It will be sad to leave your wonderful farm - sounds like a new chapter! :)

    1. it will be a new chapter, one we're excited about, but just waiting just now - it's sort of weird!

  12. Congratulations! Now you can start planning your next gardens. I hope you have a smooth move and are settled very quickly Laura :D


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Laura x