
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Well hello!

Big news Our Wee Farm has sold. So much for the "It'll probably take a year".   It sold  last month - in 6 weeks to be precise! We were, or perhaps I should say, I, was very surprised, and initially not at all ready!
But I've had time to get used to the idea now and am getting very excited.  The good thing is that we have bits and bobs to do to the new place so Lloyd and I have been making lists and organising painters, kitchen people, flooring and all sorts, and really can't wait now that it's all happening.

It will be the end of an era for us, but I reckon my back will be thankful for the lack of mowing to be done at the new house.

The people who have bought it are lovely. If we could have chosen the perfect people we would have chosen them. Also they didn't want to move in until towards the end of March which is perfect. We've got to spend a last Christmas and summer here. 

The timing is also perfect for us to get some of the big inside work done on the new house before we properly move in, which should make things a lot easier. 

That's all for now! But I will definitely keep this place going, and make an attempt to get back into the swing of it all. 


  1. Well done! I hope the move goes really well.

  2. So glad to see you back. I love your blog and can't wait to see what's around your new place. I've never been to Northland (I think that's where you are?) and it is definitely on my bucket list - along with the Cook islands!!

  3. Congrats on selling your sweet little farm. I look forward to hearing all about your new home and seeing pics of projects you are doing there.

    May your move be smooth and 2015 a wonderful year for the both of you ~ FlowerLady

  4. I wish you all the best in your new venture.

  5. Best wishes to you.

  6. Anonymous8:42 pm

    Wow, you sold so quickly Laura, no wonder though, your house and farm are so lovely. It's good to hear that you'll still be blogging after your move, I was missing all your lovely photos and Bay of Islands stories. Good luck with your move and best wishes in your new home.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lovely to have an update and I'm not the slightest bit surprised someone snapped up the idyllic-looking Wee Farm.

    Looking forward to reading about your new house so please keep blogging. :-)

  9. 2015 is so going to be a year of changes for the two of you, good ones!! So glad you are going to keep blogging, you have so much to share, your fabulous baking, your amazing photos, and your lovely stories about those gorgeous dogs!!! Hopefully you will share a tour of the new digs.

  10. Congratulations! I've missed your pictures lately. Looking forward to new one after you get settled. Any ideas on the new name for the sea side house?

  11. Huzzah! I knew that someone perfect would come along and find it. Good luck on all the new house projects! I am sure this is quite an undertaking!

  12. Really looking forward to seeing your new place and of the area you'll be living in. Good luck with it all xx

  13. Brilliant news. Congratulations.


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Laura x