
Friday, March 20, 2015

A new header, for a new start

Long time readers please bear with me while I work out what I'm going to do!
I don't want to start a whole new blog as I love this one, it's got history in the many, many pages I've written over the years. Ten years to be precise! So, I'm keeping the web address as it is. It just won't be about Our Wee Farm any more as the Wee Farm is no longer ours.

We settled today. Oddly it was quite bittersweet. I thought that once the money was in the bank I'd feel happy, relief that it had all gone smoothly, which of course, I do! But it just feels ...odd! Good, but odd. I had a major meltdown on Wednesday night when I drove down the lovely driveway for the last time. I reversed back, shone the headlights right onto Darroch Cottage and just howled.

But, on to new things.
There will still be baking.
There will still be a wee bit of gardening.
There will still be veggies (once I get my raised bed made)
There will be a lot of outside building work once that starts.

I hope you stick around to enjoy it with us.

As one of my friends just said "What a blast that was."  Wasn't it just.


  1. Welcome to your new and beautiful home. I hope you will have a long and very happy life there. Frances

  2. Makes perfect sense to keep the original blog but to change the name, it's evolving too, the past is still here and the future is still to come !! Looking forward to hearing more about Spindrift. More photos required please :D

  3. Wishing you much joy, peace and love in your lovely new home. The journey continues only in a different place.


  4. Spindrift will be as beautiful as the wee farm was, you have a talent for that!! It was time to move on and you have moved to a beautiful spot.

  5. What a blast. :) And here's to the next one! I have no doubt you'll fill theses walls with just as much merriment and life. Still, I am sorry for your pain at leaving it behind. Pros and cons to everything. But, what a wonderful chapter.

  6. Always sad to say goodbye even to a old home but a big HELLO to your new one and all the new adventures you will have.

  7. Loving your new header Laura, and the look of your new home. Of course you would be emotional!! Who wouldn't after all the love and time you poured into your wee farm. Things have to change, that's the natural order of things. Just enjoy yourselves and your new lifestyle. cheers Wendy

  8. Stacee J4:41 pm

    We're with you! I look forward to seeing more of your adventures!

  9. It's always hard to close one chapter of your life and open the next but what a great chapter it is. Your new homes looks beautiful, though I don't think I would get much gardening down I would just sit looking at that incredible view. The dog looks very much settled in. Good luck and I will look forward to your new adventures.

  10. So exciting and bittersweet. But, just think of how much more time you'll have for diving and boating. And of course Macarons. By the way i just had my first macaron, it was red velvet and amazing. I'm hooked. Thanks, i think. LOL

  11. And there will still be you two and the dogs .... but will there be any chickens ?


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x