
Wednesday, April 08, 2015


When we put our furniture into the new house the old sofa didn't go at all. This surprised us as it's white and large, but it looks like someone has just dumped an unmade bed in the livingroom.  We were pretty sad about this, as we love that sofa!

Anyway, we ordered a new one. Went down to Auckland a few weeks ago to look at some, as we'd seen them online and the price seemed too good to be true, we were sure they would be totally rubbish! But no, they are lovely, and you can choose different fabrics and different legs etc. So we got one and it should be arriving in the next couple of weeks.

It's a very grown up sofa compared to the old one but it needs a couple of cushions, so I decided to go to Whangarei yesterday and get some not grown up fabric to make some. ( The old sofa will go downstairs into the new room once it gets built, so it won't be leaving us!)

I didn't want to make my usual easy peasy envelope cushions. I really wanted to go to town - piping, invisible zips... you name it! Only problem, I've never done piping or invisible zips before. I did a search and found a few tutorials - which I didn't really understand - but went for it anyway.

I can't give instructions, as the zips were a total trial and error! The piping was great though. Very simple.
Just make a bias binding and hide the cord inside it!

Here they are!
 A wee bit smooshy round the corners, but not too bad. 

Nice round the edges, though.

And the invisible zip! Quite invisible. (This was the second one! First one not so good!) 

They're pretty big, bigger than I planned, perhaps, so I really hope they go.

For now I've just put them on our bed! 

Have to say, I am missing the wee Pip. I really need somewhere to sew that's not the dining room table. The power socket nearest isn't really that near, so it's a total hazard! Almost garrotted Brodie and my machine was in danger of taking a flyer! 
It'll be lovely when the council give us the go ahead to start the building work. 


  1. I think your dogs are very grown up. :)

  2. Good job :D Hope you get your own space soon x

    1. me too, the council seem to be taking for ever!

  3. Those cushions are gorgeous and perfect. You will have to build a new Pip.

    1. We're building a whole new room under the house. The house is built on a hill, so has a large space under it! Result!

  4. Wow they are amazing! I admire the way you just 'google and do' stuff!

    1. yeah, google and do and mess up a lot of the time :)

  5. They're fantastic! How fun. And the piping really is an excellent touch. I've done invisible zippers, but not piping. I can totally see missing your fantastic sewing space though. Now that I have a dedicated sewing/craft room its just much simpler than when I had to do it on the dining room table. Either way did it and they look great.

    1. Yep, can't wait for the new room to be built, I won't have to tidy everything away every time :) it'll be lovely. Piping is super easy, you should give it a go!

  6. They're Fab! I've also caught up on all your moving news and i have to say you guys have done a MARVELOUS job already! ♥♥♥

    1. thank you :) we're feeling more alive now. For about a month or so we were just so tired all the time, but couldn't stop. It's all rather lovely now!

  7. Love the dogs on the fabric! It looks fab on the bed. Can't wait to see it on the sofa. As for sewing on the dining table I feel your pain. I love it because it's stable, has a big surface for me to work off but I don't like having to pack away when the job's only half finished...which it always is when you quilt...because the family has to eat on that table!

    1. Yep, I hear you! And I wish I'd never put the cushions on the bed now, cos I really like them there! Still, the sofa is supposed to be arriving tomorrow - fingers crossed

  8. I've just popped across from the DTE forum to say hi. I think your cushions look great Laura, very professional looking and the piping makes them look so fresh.


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Laura x