
Sunday, March 28, 2010


Amazing colours. This tree is the last to get it's leaves and is the first to lose them :( poor wee thing. It does, however, look absolutely beautiful this year. Hard to believe autumn is here, it's still really hot and really, really dry. I wonder when we'll get some decent rain? Nothing of any substance since  October.


  1. Beautiful photos... thanks for sharing...

  2. Is that a pin oak? We had one at the last place and it was lovely! Mybe I need to plant one here ☺

  3. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Beautiful colors.

  4. Sue, it's an acer of sorts. We've got a lot of them in the garden. They are so pretty.

  5. Autumn is a beautiful time over there and here. We are starting to see the summer pop through now. Been a long winter. The colour of that tree is magnificent.

  6. Thanks for the pics. I miss the color change of autumn. They are so wondrous.

    I will be glad to get farther north than Taranaki in the next few years so that I can complain about the heat instead of the wet and cold under this mountain!

  7. Gorgeous! I always love fall. Glad you'll be enjoying such beautiful colors as the season changes.

  8. They look like sycamore leaves, but oh so gorgeous in colour! I love autumn!

  9. Beautiful colours! Acers have such a variety. But I'm glad it's spring here in the UK and not autumn.
    Teresa x


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Laura x